Chapter 26: Cherish These Moments

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Ania Pov

"Congrats!" My doctor tells me. "You'll be having a girl!" He says cheerfully.

"ThankYou, that'll probably be the high light of the rest of my pregnancy" I say thinking about Devontay.

As I walked into the waiting room where my mom and Monica (Devontay's mom) were, I told them the news and they seemed more happy than I was about this baby girl.

"Can't believe are kids are having kids together" Shon said.

"Well believe it girl! They did what we tryed to protect them from." My mom said.

"Well Ania we off to go get tasia while you visit Dev." Shon said.

"Alright, I love you guys" I said giving them each a hug goodbye.

For the past three and a half weeks seeing Dev in a coma has been a regular thing each day. The past two weekends I've stayed a night too! Being four months pregnant, and seeing your boyfriend, which who's also the father of your child in a coma all in one isn't easy. Sometimes I just cry because I feel misunderstood, and all alone. The last time I heard Dev's voice was when we went to the beach.

As I walk into Dev's room the sound of the monitors just make me want to cry. Why do the ones who are trying to do right always end up hurt or killed? I always thought Devontay was handsome when he sleeps. But now I feel as if I'm looking at a sole-less person.

"Dear Dev" I say standing over him while holding his hand gently. "I miss you so much! Words can barely define what I'm missing when it comes to you. You're one of the best things that have happened to me these past few months..."

It's crazy how you can know someone for years. But then meet someone new and feel as if they know you better than those who've been around longer. Dev isn't just my boyfriend; he's my Bestfriend, homie-lover-friend. Which is why I refuse to lose him now! It's not Dev's turn to leave this world. So I'll be waiting patiently for him to return.

"Dev I found out some good news for us today. We're having a girl! Just like you wanted." I begin to feel a tear running down my cheek.

"I'm not exactly sure how these comas work, but I feel as if you can hear me. Dev your baby girl needs you... I need you." Suddenly I begin to realize that Tasia was standing behind me.

"So you're having a girl huh?" She says while taking a seat, scooting the chair close to Devontay's bed.

"Yeah and she's four months along the way." I say while taking a seat as well.

"Dev would be filled with joy knowing that." She says.

"Yeah I know. But I don't think he'd enjoy seeing me with this stomach that's been growing lately." I say while rubbing my belly.

"Haha, please he would drool over you if you was in sweats." Tasia says while laughing.

Not to mention these past few weeks I've been spending a lot of time with tasia. She even stayed at my house, four days straight, and got to know me as myself-not just as 'Devontay's girlfriend.' She even told me how she met justin all the way up to the skating rink incident. So I made her promise me that she'll never go back to that scrub.

For about twenty minutes, Tasia and I were just laughing and sharing stories to one another. Moments like this were really needed in my life right now. I always feel lonely and as if I'm on my own with this pregnancy. But then I have people like Tasia and Briana who help me realize that I'm not alone.

"Naw but fa real! I swear Dev is just in heaven chillin wit god discussing Dev's anger issues, and when he get his anger under control god gon send him back to us nice and refreshed." When Tasia said that we were both sitting there in tears.

"Tasia! Quick! Come feel! Baby girl kicking" I say rubbing the spot the kick pressures are coming from.

"Eww I don't wanna feel that!" Tasia says sounding surprised.

"Come on bond with your neice!" I say grabbing her hand.

This was my first time feeling baby girl kick, or whatever the fuck she was doing inside me. Probably doing cartwheels from me laughing too much. But the weird thing is I became happy, and it seemed like I just felt the most beautiful thing on earth.

"Beautiful feeling huh?" I say shedding a tear while looking at Dev realizing he's missing an important moment.

"Nigga No! That is nasty. It's cute! But nasty!" Tasia says "But I sure do wish Dev could have cherished this moment with us." Tasia says while tears slowly begin to fall.

"One thing I've never wanted to happen was to grow up seeing my kids not know who their father is" I say beginning to cry.

"Ania don't say that! Your child will know who their father is! They'll get to grow up and say my family has a bond that's loyal and that's filled with love and will never be broken!" Tasia begins crying harder.

"You don't know that. Look where we are right now! Look where we've been for the past fucking month! Dev isn't here anymore and there's a chance he will never be here again!" My face has become filled with tears.

"Well at least baby girl won't have to grow up with a father cheating on her mom, and a father who's always staying out late fucking around with other women as if he doesn't have a family who loves and cares for him at home!" Tasia says crying.

When she said that I couldn't help but realize Devontay wasn't the only one with anger towards his dad. Tasia had hurt and anger as well. I begin to realize that I should cherish every happy moment in my life. Even when times are hard I should smile. But one things for sure: I wasn't the only one hurting inside.

"We gon get through this, day by day" I say while holding tasia.

"It's a sister thang" tasia says while smiling with a face full of tears.

"And they wouldn't understand" I say smiling back at her with my face covered in tears as well.

"It's a sister~thang, they wouldn't get it" - Anonymous

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