Chapter 31: it takes a village

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Tasia POV

2 months later

"Ahhhhhhhhh" Said Ania

"WHAT !" I yelled

"Tasia i think my.water just broke" Ania said nervously

"Omg Really Im FINNA BE A AUNTIE YAAAY" I said touching her arm and jumping up and down


"Oops sorry Ania i forgot, MOM , DEV ! Ania Water Just Broke"

"Whaaat; said Mom?

"Ania are you okay ? I'll call your mom" said Dev

"come on let's go get in the car" my mom said

So we all power walk to car we couldn't run cause Ania fat ass had another huma in her belly . When we finally make it to the hospital my mom goes straight up to desk and said

"she's in labor we need her in a room right now im not filling nothing out first or anything until she gets a room understand me ?"

The nurse did exactly what she said. They got her bed and took her to a room
-8 Hours Later-

"Ima whoop my niece when she gets here making Ania go thru all this pain"i said a silly way to Dev

"Umm Dev are you okay you seem scared or worried" i said confuse.

"What if im not a good dad what if she hates me? "

"What Dev your stupid your gonna be a GREAT Dad"

"Tasia your just saying that to make me feel better"

"Dev im serious. For one you have been sitting in this hallway for 8 HOURS waiting for your daughter to enter this world . How many of are friends even.have dads in their life or even know who they dad is not many . I mean of course when she gets older she's gonna dislike you sometimes but we all go thru it but know at the end of the day she's gonna always love you and have so much respect for you just for being in her life. Hell you already act like a dad who always come to my rescue when im in trouble YOU Dev trust me your really finna be a good dad i just know it. and im not just saying that to make you feel better."

"Aww Tasia your getting so old tryna talk all grown and stuff."

"You know me gotta bring it out sometimes ahaha"

"Okay Ania it's time to push now" The doctor said.

"Okay" Ania said tryna not to cry,

"Baby hold my hand" Dev said

"Dev are you sure you wanna be in here,while she's having this baby ?" Said Ania mom

"Yes mom i want to be here when she first comes out" Dev said

"Your CRAZY Im out of here im going back in the hallway sorry Ania i can't watch this love you" i said in a serious tone


"Okay Ania im need you to start pushing right now on the count of three okay?" Said the doctor

"1,2,3 .. Push"

"Ahhhhhhhh I can't i can't it hurts im to weak to push"

"You gotta push Honey i know your weak but you gotta push" said Ania mom

"Breathe Babe Breathe"


"Okay Ania Push" said the doctor

"Ugggggggh Ahhhhhhh"

"Come on keep pushing,i see the head we are making progress"


"Breathe Ania Breathe" Dev said again


"Okay Dev your not making this any better please just,hold her hand or your gonna have to leave the room" the nurse said

"Okay Ania keep pushing"


"Okay Ania your doing very good two more pushes and she should be out"

"Ahhhhhh....... Ahhhhhh"

"Waaaaa Waaaaaa"

I run inside the room


She was 5 pounds and 3 ounces and 18 inches. She was born at exactly 12:00 Am 1-1-14 .

"What are you guys gonna name here?" Said Ania mom

"We decided to let Tasia name her." Said Ania

"OMG really ? I loove you guys but i have the perfect name Kanani."

"That is beautiful name " Ania mom said

"Dev look she likes you i told you she would."

"Can i hold her now you know since i name her and all."

When i look her in her eyes
i couldn't stop thinking wow me Fantasia is a Auntie to a beautiful little girl . I really learn alot this year . One thing forsure is you can't trust everybody.


"Having a daughter is a dream
Giving birth seems so real
Looking at my precious being
Seems impossible to believe

That perfectly shaped child
So gentle and mild
Watch her grow through the years
Is a wonderful experience to share

The joy she brings to my life
Certainly removes all my strife
Thank God for such a creation
She has blossomed into a lovely carnation

She is like a glowing light
Shining so bright in the night
Together we kneel in prayer
This is what we both share

My daughter the gift of life
Will always be my side"

crazy how things fall into place, and someone can look into your soul and see you as their savior, protector, hero, but most importantly a mother.

Dear Kanani,

You're the most beautiful thing that has entered me and your fathers life. No matter how hard things get for us I plan on giving you the world. You're the light to my darkness. The warmness to my heart. The food to my hunger, and the strength to my weakness.

Thanks to you I have another on how I can prove the world that we are something Major. Thanks to you I can finally see what it's like to have my own family, plus to watch your family grow into something so beautiful is the best thing in a life time.

You are so pure, and have so much to offer. I promise to teach you right from wrong, and to teach you well.

Your mommy."

I am my daughters keeper, and no one can replace the position of a mother from birth.

Holding Kanani in my arms made me feel as if the world had stopped and time never existed. Moments like this will never leave my heart. A proud mother I have truly become.


I sit here holding my baby girl in my arms I think about how crazy it is that I'm a daddy. The craziest thing about being a daddy is that you honestly would of never known that you could love and care for someone this much. And the crazy thing about that is that it took this tiny little baby to make you realize that. This is my daughter and I will make sure I gave her everything she wanted and more. Most importantly I will make sure she knows that her daddy will always be there no matter what . It's time to put all my old ways behind me because this beautiful baby girl here deserves to always have her daddy there.

"I love you Kanani Zyria Williams"

"I never thought I could love someone
The way that I love you.....
I'm completely fascinated
With everything you do.....

I don't regret a moment with you
Whether good or bad.....
You have made my life complete
The best life a guy could have.....

You might not ever notice
Everything I do.....
But everything I'm doing
Is for no one else but you.....

My goal in life is simple
It's to be your father first.....
To protect, defend, and love you
When you are at your worst.....

I know when you grow older
You won't want me anymore.....
If you ever need me though
I'll be waiting at the door.....

Promise you will come to me
With any problem that you have.....
I'll always be right here for you"

- Richard Burge

"Devontay the player" I'm no longer a player because I've realized there's more important things in life than bitches and hoes and hoes. I can't be that player anymore I gotta show my daughter what a real man isand make sure she finds a man to love her just as strong as I love her mother . . . . . .

"Being a real man doesn't mean you sleep with 100 girls. It means you fight for one girl even when 99 others are chasing you..."


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