Chapter 28: patience is the key

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Ania POV

"So what you're telling me is that, my boyfriend, has a high chance of not making it and we should just take him out his Misery now?" I say while rubbing my belly.

"At this rate we aren't so sure about Devontay returning, but we'll give you guys time to think on it." Doctor said that like it was nothing and walked away.


Seemed like Monica (Devontay mom) had less hope left than I did. These past few weeks have been hell for all of us - Dev just happened to be a greater negative factor. Soon I'll be 7months pregnant, and I'm beginning to think Devontay won't be there when baby girl is ready to enter this world. What's even worse is sleeping alone every night praying for a miracle, and feeling as if I'm single, even though I'm in a relationship.

Today I'm headed to the mall alone to take care of a lil shopping for baby girl. I plan on making sure my baby has everything she wants and needs growing up.

Ever since I've been pregnant I never go out much - unless I'm visiting someone's house, or stopping at the grocery store. On the other hand entering the food court I see a fine ass DarkSkin guy with tattoos all over his arms walking towards me. But I doubt if he'd try to talk to a pregnant female.

But for some reason I couldn't help but notice him smiling at me. So I decided to be nice and smile back of course.

"What you smiling at?" He said with the cutest voice.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I said still smiling. Crazy how he can make me blush. These past few months it seemed as if only Dev could do that.

"Nahh I just noticed a beautiful girl and had to get her attention some how."

"Well you got it" I said nonchalantly.

"So what's yo name?" He asked while gazing into my eyes.

His eyes were a deep dark brown, but his eyes were beautiful. Couldn't help but to look at them.

"My names Ania, and you are?" I said while reaching to shake his hand.

"You can call me sunny" he said.

"Nice to meet you sunny." I couldn't help but to smile.

"Well since you enjoyed meeting me, can I have your number?" He asked while biting his lip waiting for an answer.

After exchanging numbers, and talking we eventually went our separate ways.



Lately I've been talking to sunny on a regular basis everyday, and I've told him basically everything - everything except about Dev. He's told me a few things too. But talking to sunny at night helps me feel less lonely.

Arriving at the hospital Monica was already in Dev's room when I walked in. She wasn't crying or anything, she just looked at him as if he was a dead body.

"Ania I've been thinking it's time we let Devotay go" just hearing her say that easily broke my heart.

"Why would you even question to do that to him right now?" At this point I was becoming mad, sad, and confused all in one. "So you're just going to give up on him that easily?"

"Look I've thought about it for a week straight, and seeing him like this is killing all of us inside. I can't handle this anymore. It's been 7months Ania! Wake up and realize Dev isn't coming back!"

When Monica said that I just broke down into tears. How could she not think this over with me and tasia? Let along his father, or anyone else in this family. My heart felt damaged, I refused to let them take Dev's life away! He's my world and I wasn't ready to let that go.

"Hello Ania" the doctor said while entering the room. "So you guys final decision is to let him go?"

I couldn't even speak. I was too angry to say anything. Devontay's mom has truly became the weakest link.

"Yes! That's right" Monica said.

"NO!" I screamed.

"Ania! Just let him go. Everything will be okay." Monica said

I can't believe this is happening. Everything begin to flash before my eyes. Next thing you know they were reaching to unplug the machines.

I couldn't even look at them, I just turned away from everyone in a corner. But for some reason I could still hear Dev's heart rate. Then I heard Monica crying.

"What's going on?" I heard a familiar scratchy voice say.

Then suddenly my phone begin to ring on full volume - it was sunny. For the first time I had to ignore his phone call. I was too busy crying in a corner.

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