Chapter 3: Welcome Back

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*(A/N): Please excuse my shitty English, Gomawo~"*

     "(Y/N)!!!" A voice called behind. I turned around and saw a boy running to me with his bright smiles on his cute chubby face. Seeing his smiles makes me want to smiles along. He pulled me into his chest as soon as he up close to me. I can hear his hard breathing after the running. His warm hands wraps around me so tight that I can't even breathe, but I just ignored it and wrap around his waist.

"Sorry I made you wait, because my car was being a bitch, so I decided to run instead..." He said and breathing at the same time which makes him sound so damn sexy. He let me go and look at me deeply into his fire eyes. But the more I looked at him, the more he look like someone that I knew?

"(y/n), promise me something?" He asked while his smiles faded away. I smiled and nodded. "Promise me.. that you won't leave me? Even No matter what?..." then his voice faded away, into the darkness....

*Your POV*

***...BEEP... BEEP....BEEP.....***

"..uh..ugh.." I groaned as I slowly open my eyes. My vision are so blurry and my eyes hurt by the bright light. I felt like I have slept for a thousand of years later and my body felt old. But then, a voice shouted next to me...


I slightly turned my head to the voice, and saw a lady figure standing next to be. She doesn't look that young or old, maybe she's on her 30's? She has a pretty nice tan skin, small face, dark brown eyes, nice long hair... She look beautiful...

"I can't believe this... Finally it's that day..." another voice spoke up. This time it's a male voice. He were standing behind that lady, stared at me with his half happy and half tired eyes. He has dark hair color, he might be on his 40's or older, and he has a deep voice. But the thing is, I don't know who are they, but they seemed like they know me?

"..I'm sorry... but w-who are you? Do I know you?" My voice sound like a dying person. For some reason, it felt like this is my first time talking? It was weird and strange...

"aww honey... You're our daughter, (y/n)! Our only daughter..." The women said as she starts to tears up.

"(y/n), 13 months ago, you had a car accident. You go through a serious surgeries, and the accident caused you..." The man voice suddenly cracked. He starts to cry too, then he continue, "it caused you to have an amnesia, lost your memories.."

My tears suddenly falls down. *I got into a car accident?! How?! And my name is (y/n)?! What the-..* I'm so confused and lost like I'm in a jungle full of darkness. I want to ask more, but I don't want to make them, my "parents", cries. I tried to sit up and so my parents help me.

"So... let's just not worry about this okay? Let's talk about this some other time... I want to go home?" I said as I'm still lost like a puppy. My parents excitedly nodded. Dad walked out the room and a few minutes later, he brought someone in with him. A man wearing black pants, white thin long jacket, and simple baby blue shirt under it with a tie.

"So I'm going to check on her to see if there is any problems. If no problems, then she can go home tomorrow!" The man said. "So please wait outside, it will be quick.. don't worry.."

"Okay doctor, thank you.." Dad sound like he about to lose his voice. Then, they both walked out and I'm in the room alone with this man...

"Hello Miss (y/n), my name is Dr. Kwangsoo... I'm going to check if you can move around safely, and check to see if you can at least walk..." Dr. Kwangsoo said with a smile. Then he reached out his hand for me to grab it. I moved my hand slowly to his. He reach to my waist to help me move and stand up. When I stand, I immediately fall back down on the bed. My legs are weak, so weak that I can feel every bones inside cracks.

"Miss (y/n), you can do it. Just focus, don't think about anything.. Just relax and get all your stre-.." The doctor about to finish his sentence but I just stand up, like really standing on my feet. It felt kinda strange though... Dr. Kwangsoo just stared at me with a surprised and said, "Oh okay.. I didn't expect that so fast, haha... But uh.. now try to walk, step by step.."

I slowly raise one of my foot up and take a small distance step. When I put my foot down, it bend like it's going to broke. Thank god Dr. Kwangsoo catched me right on time like he already knew that's going to happen. When I really stand again, I took a step again and I did it! Then I took another step and another... *DAMN! This is awesome!!!* I thought to myself.

"Miss (y/n), you did amazing! I think you are good and save now, just be careful where you're going because you're still recovering... but anything else, you're doing great! So you can go home tomorrow! I'm gonna go and tell your parents, you should just rest now!" He said it happily. I nodded and say thank you as he leave...

The Next Day:

Around 12:30pm, my parents and I starts packing up the things. When we got out of the building, there is a nice car parking in front. Then someone walk out from the car, runs to us, take the stuff and puts it in the trunk. He has this big smiles on his face. He seems like a cheerful person. But the thing is, he's kinda... short? Well, I didn't expect our family is that wealthy...

"Let me introduce to you, this is our driver Haha. He have driven for a long time, since you was a baby."Mom said as Haha and I shake hands. "You're the only child in the family, so Haha has been like an older brother to you, you calls him Haha Oppa^^"

"Oh.. that's great! But um... I'm sorry but I...." I looked at Haha, I feel bad when mom said that. We both were really closed because I don't even remember any memories about between us...

"AWW (Y/N)! don't worry dongsaeng *(little sister)*, let's start fresh!" Haha laugh cheerfully. I nodded my head happily. After the welcome chat, Haha opened the doors for my parents and I, then drove home.

When we're home, my mouth dropped which lavas can peeks out. Haha went back to the car to go park the car. My parents and I walked inside. All I can actually say about it is "SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL!" A beautiful chandelier hanging down on top of the ceiling, the floor is shiny and clean, and smell fresh. It's not a big house but it's very fancy decorated which makes it look big. I take a quick walk around to know where things around first. My parents wanted to walk around with me, but I told them no because they look really tired.

"Well, your room is upstairs. You'll notice it whenever you go up. And if you need--.."

"Yes mom, don't worry okay? You and dad go rest, don't worry!" I cut her off. They both went upstairs so did I because I'm also pretty tired already. When I reached to the top, you saw a door with a sign hang: "(y/n)'s Room." I walked up to the door and slowly opened it. My eyes widened. *Damn.. this is my room?!* A nice clean bed with 2 pillows and a cute chubby teddy bear. Then, I saw a desk which is really neat and things on there are very organized. I can't even see a single dirt in this room! *I guess I'm a germs freak...* I thought jokingly. I walked over to a 2 doors that were closed. I opened it and my eyes can't even blink. A whole collections of clothes! Pants are folded neatly on top and shirts hangs neatly. Shirts and pants are putted in colors. Shoes are put neatly below the shirts. I counted and I have 30 pairs of shoes! And it's all sneakers, about 10 of them are sneakers with heels. I then noticed that I wore a lot of blacks. I closed the doors and walked over to another door across the room, next to the small TV shelf. When I opened the door, I gasped out loud. This time, I have to say something out loud, can't say it in my blank mind anymore!

" HOLY MOTHER SON OF A........!!!!" I took a step in. "A BATHROOM IN MY ROOM ALSO?!" It's simply decorated, a small shelf of collections of shampoos/soaps, 2 clean hang towels, and a heaven bathtub waiting for me. Then I decided to take a shower so I turned on the warm water, take off my clothes, and put my body in the heaven tub.


I went back to my bed after the heaven shower. I jumped on the bed and look over at the chubby teddy bear next to me. It's so soft and warm when I took and hug it into my chest. Then something scratch my chest. I pulled out the teddy bear and saw a necklace says: "BE MINE. - J -" I looked at the necklace in a confusion. I then think to myself, *I have a boyfriend?! NO... no... maybe someone closed to me....*

After thinking randomly, I fall asleep like a sleeping beauty...

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