Chapter 20: "Stay Away"

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*Please ignore my shitty English, Gomawo~*

*Your POV*:

   *M-My dad? W-What?*  My hands started to tremble. I take a look at this person known as Sehun Yehet, past messages with Jimin. I'm sorry for being a nosy bitch but I need to know what exactly has been going on. I kept scrolling up and up until this one part:

Jimin: "I'll try to keep (y/n) away from her dad. But you need to help me, Sehun."

Sehun: "We don't have that much evidence yet to prove if it was her dad or who. The camera on that day has proplems so couldn't record it clearly. All we know it was a man that might be her dad."

Jimin: "Alright... please let me know once you have found any new info. But please keep this as a secret case. I don't want anyone to be involves, especially Kim Taehyung."

     *W-Why not Taehyung...?*  What have Jimin hide? Why this have to be a secret, away from Taehyung? I closed my eyes and took in a deep breathe. I need to find out about this--

"mwo hae?" *what are you doing* Jimin groaned as he sat up.  Quickly, I exit out to his home screen and turn off his phone. I put his phone down on the table and turned around facing him. I smiled innocently as I walked over towards him. I got in bed and sat on his lab. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a small peck on the lips. With his half asleep face, he smiled brightly. 

"Yaa, hurry up or else we gonna be late to school~" I said as I titled my head. 

"Can we play for a minute?" He said with a deep voice. 

"Um... naa, we had enough yesterday. XD" I got off his lab and he pout. I laugh as he got off the bed. I lay down and sighed.  *What should I do about this...? should I just ask him?*  I don't even know for sure but about my dad?? like how does it make any sense that my own dad was trying to kill me? 

"Yaa (y/n), you're not even dress for school yet and you're telling me to get my ass up and now you're just laying there" Jimin popped out of nowhere and stared at me. 

"EH~ I'm too lazy to get up now.." I closed my eyes and giggled.

"Fine, either get your lazy ass up or I'll come over and give you another whole damn bang bang bang lesson--"

"OKAY OKAY I'M UP." I shot myself up and head over to the closet. But then I realized this is Jimin's closet so I exit out the room. I head over to my room and went in. I make my way towards the closet and open it. "What the fuck..?" I realized my school uniforms are gone?? I then went back to Jimin's room and knock on the bathroom door. 

"Jimin-ah! where are my uniforms??" 

"Oh, it's in my closet!" He answered. Why would he put my uniforms in his closet wtf? I opened his closet and took out my uniform. I then head back to my room and change. 

Meanwhile I was changing, I heard a knock from the outside. "Yes?" I yelled towards the door.

"I'll be waiting for you outside in the car." Jimin yelled back.

"Okie~!" Finally I finish putting on my uniform. I head over to my desk and applied some simple makeup on. "Alright whatever." Since I low key don't have the patient for makeup, I just did a simple eyeliner, BB cream, mascara and lip-balm. After that, I grabbed my backpack and head down stairs to the car...

*On the way to School*

I put my head back and looked outside the streets. I then heard some back noises so I turned and look at Jimin. He hand me a bag which felt so warm. I look at Jimin and he smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2018 ⏰

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