Chapter 8: Says What?!!

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*A/N: please don't forget to VOTES and COMMENTS! gomawo~!*

Suddenly, my eyes switched and caught looking at someone else. This person didn't even say a single word either, but kept staring at me with a dirty smirked on his face.

And of course, that guy was "Jimin"..

*Is he perhaps a pervert?!* I thought as I tried to ignored his stares. Then I heard a buzz from my pocket. I took out my phone and saw a message from my dad...

Dad: "(y/n), come home for dinner. We need to tell to you about something. Arraso?"

Me: "Nae, appa...."

I put away my phone and said in sad way, "Guys? Mianhe... I need to go home. My parents are waiting for me for dinner..." They all stopped talking and looked at me. The way they looked at me makes me want to stay..

Jhoe whines as he's doing an aigoo,
"AWW (y/n)-ah~!!!"

"Mianhae...." I said sadly.

"Uh let me drop you home!" TaeTae asked.

"A-anniyo.. I'll take the cab--"

"I'll take you home." Jimin cut me off as he stood up. TaeTae just stand there, little bit confused. I rolled my eyes.
*Hell no! I don't want this fucking jerk to take me home! Fuck no!*
I nervously thought as I looked at TaeTae, showing the face: I don't want Jimin to take me home!! But I guess TaeTae can't understood because he still looked lost like a puppy. Jimin suddenly cut off my face contact with TaeTae and grabbed one of my hands. Dragged me out the room. I tried to force my hand to escape from his, but he grabbed it so damn tight. So I just leave it until we reached to his car. And I have to tell you, his car is sure damn looked badass! It's a black sport car with a little cool fire design on the doors...
He opened the door for me and I went in, quietly. He got in after I got in and puts on seat-belts. He then drove off...

10 minutes have passed and it's still an awkward silence in the car. I looked out the window, trying to act normal. But weirdly, he didn't asked where I live? *OMG what happen if he gonna take me to his house instead?! OH hell no!* I nervously thought. Then I asked,
"Um.. do you even know where I--"

"Yes babe." He cut me off.

*BABE?! WTF...* I gave him a death stared and he looked back at me and smirked. For some reasons, his damn smirks kept making my heart beating crazily. I don't know why...? I don't know what to responds back after he called me "BABE", and I knew he can fight for every words I says. So I ignored it.

After for about 20 minutes in this jerk car, we have reached to my house. I quickly unseat-belt and get out the car. I was surprised he got out too? I speed walked to the door and rings the bell. A few seconds later, my mom opened the door. She always has a smiles cracking across her face no matter what (I don't know if she still smiles if she's on her angry bird side)... I greeted my mom as she welcomes me home. Jimin also greeted her too. She then take a glanced behind me, surprised. This time, her smiles grew EVEN wider?!

"Good evening Mrs. (?) !" Jimin said sweetly. Damn I have to say, he should be an actor instead of a singer...

"HELLO CHIMCHIM! Long time no see!!" My mom said happily. "Mr. (?) and I have seen you guys on TV and wow! You guys are amazing! how have the others doing?"

"Kamsamhamida Mrs. (?)! well, we all have been busy... so yeah.." He answered sweetly.

They both have a sweet conversation, so I guess they forget I was there? I just stand besides my mom, silent. *So my parents and this jerk knew each other?! seriously...? and ChimChim? pff, his nickname seriously got no jams...*

Mom continued talking, "So ChimChim, would you like to stay for dinner with us? It has been a long time since you---"

I quickly cut her off, "No mom!.. I mean... he's busy.. a-and it's not a r-really good idea to let an "idol" stay because you never know is there a crazy fans or paparazzi out there--"

"I would LOVE to stay for dinner, kamsamhambida!" He cutted me off rudely. My blood is boiling hot inside my body, which I want to punched him right here right now, because of his damn attitude. *GOSH! no wonder my parents falls for this jerk!* I angrily thought. I gave my mom a stare, giving her a *No* eye signals. But she ignored it and walk passed me. I turned to that jerk, Jimin, and grinned. He ignored my grinned and smirked as he walked right pass me. I sighed and tried to cool down my hot boiling blood. I closed the door and followed behind Jimin to the dining room. The food are already placed on the table. I saw a big fancy plate full with salads in the middle, and a delicious smell comes from the just right cooked steak, placed on a clean white plate. I suddenly forget about everything happened at the door earlier, and busy trying to suck in my salivas. Then I got back in reality and I saw my dad sitting there already. I took a seat besides my mom (no way Jose I'm sitting next to that jerk). Jimin take a sest next my dad, but worse thing is, I'm facing right across Jimin. ugh...!

"Long time no see Jimin! you have been busy and forgot you mother and father in law, huh?!" My dad laughed. I choked and my eyes widened *Seriously dad?! you did not just say mother and father--"

"Anniyo father! Of course I would never forget my "mother" and "father in law"!" Jimin cut off my thought. I just stayed quiet, speechless. *Just for dinner (y/n)... just hold it in... and tomorrow, you can burn him up whenever you meet him again..* I sighed quietly. I continued eating my steak. *Thank god at least this steak calms me down..* I thought...

"Oh (y/n)! We want to tell you that.." My dad stopped as he took a piece from his steak. "Your mom and I will be out of town because our work.."
I gave my dad a quick look.

"So... I guess I'm home alone?... If that so, I think I'm old enough to stay alone, it's fine.."

"Well.. honey, it's better if you stay with someone. So when you needs help, you won't be struggling all by yourself..!" Mom said.

"And plus, you're a girl!" My dad added in.

"So Chimchim!" Mom turned to Jimin.
"I hope our (y/n) here, can stay over at your house?"
The last piece of steak stuck in my throat when my mom finished her sentence.

"BWA?!!! M-MOM??!!!" I almost yelled.

"What? It's better than staying alone. At least Chimchim is like in our family!"
My mom said. I take a quick glanced at Jimin. A HUGE smirks on his face. *Oh my god! Noo way, this jerk gonna rape me, oh hell no!* I got scared.

"Well, he's too busy mom. Don't forget he's an idol now! It would be such a bother for him--"

"Mrs. And Mr. (?)..." Jimin cut me off. He then looked a little bit serious. This face, I 100% bet he gonna say no! Please so no.. please say--

"I would love (y/n) to stay over at my house." His evil smirked come back again.

And I know...
my life is over...
Because of this jerk, Jimin...

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