Chapter 15: Hope it's a Lie

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Please ignore my shitty English^^

*Your POV*:

The phone finally done loading!! YAY!! But one problem... sadly, it's locked with the passwords....
*AIISSHHHH!!!! C'MON!!!.. Great, how the hell am I supposed to remember the passwo--* My eyes widened.. *Wait... hold on the shit... oh my god.. I--* I can't believe what's on the lockscreen... I'm---.....





Kissing.. .

I'm so confused and lost.. it can't be.. it must be photoshopped! It's impossible... Jimin and I was in a relationship? *OH HELL NAA!* Why would I dated that stupid jamless bastard?! I don't believe this. I have to find out more about this. I have to remember and gained back my memories. *wait.. were we in a good relationship? Was he a nice boyfriend?! Did we--*

"Yaa (y/n)! Come down here!" Jimin yelled from downstairs.
I put the phone under the pillow before exit out the room.

I went to the kitchen as I saw Jimin already cooked something and put it on the table. I take a seat and so did he. I take a bite... *Am I hungry or he's a good cooker?*

"So? Is it Good?" He asked.

"Yeah! It's pretty good!" I answered.
"But umm.. Jimin?"

"Hm?" He took a bite.

"How do we know each other before?" I asked.

"Well.... let's say starting from Elementary School, I was being bullied. They make fun of me because I'm--" he stopped talking and eat. I waited for him to continue but he won't...?

"Um... Because?..."

"B-because... I'm--" He struggled.

"Jimin, it's okay, just say it."

"Because I'm sm...." He mumbled.

"Because you're what??"


"Smol? What the hell is-- ohhh SMALL?! Dude, most of the kids during the Elementary time is small." I hold in my laugh.

"Yaa, it's not funny!" He looked at me annoyed.

"So you were like 'extra' small huh?" I asked jokingly.

"Okay, why you're so curious about my "smols" -___-

"Come on, there's no need to hide it. I mean, everybody know you're short as fuck, so..."

"Oh wow, that's so nice of you..?" He frowned.

"Haha, well, except the truth.. and so.. go on..?" I then continue eating..

"So.. then, you came and beat the shit outta those kids up, telling them to stop bullying me..."

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