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"Mai." Harry moved a hand up to touch her face and she dodged it.

"No, you're right." She smiled slightly and rubbed his shoulder gently. "Goodnight Harry."

"Night." He responded as she got up off of his lap and began towards her bedroom door. He ran his sweaty hands on his jeans and bent forward to grab the blunt off of the table. He balanced it in his hand until he heard the door shut. His hands shook viciously as he held the red zipo lighter in his other hand; trying to pull it back. He had trouble getting to his feet and held onto the arm of the couch before starting a pace back and forth across the living room. The boy was confused.

Why was this happening to him again? He thought the blackouts ended 2 years ago. This wasn't supposed to be happening.

He took a slow whiff of the blunt before setting it down on the table and placing his head in his hands. It was getting hotter in the room; of course it was. Mai turned up the heat. He stripped out of his clothes until he was only in his boxers. It made him feel better. After pacing for a good hour, he turned the lights off and went to his room.

It wasn't much of a bedroom though. There was a full sized matress on the floor with an old comforter and multiple pillows. The walls were covered in posters of his favorite bands and new tattoo ideas. It had never really been put together like Mai's.



The lights blinded Mai as she slowly peeled her eyes open.

"What are you doing?" She sat up in the bed and pulled the blanket up over her bare body.

"Erm, I made you breakfast." Harry awkwardly stood in the doorway with a tray of food. He made pancakes since he knew that she wasn't very fond of eggs or sausage. Instead of orange juice or milk, he had a glass of soda, because that was all she drank.

"What for?" She moved over to the side as he placed the wooden tray on her lap and slipped into the bed next to her. She couldn't help but notice that he was only in his boxer's. It was hard not to stare; but she focused on the food infront of her, and that seemed to work perfectly.

"Everything. I take advantage of you." He shrugged his shoulders and Mai rolled her eyes at him.

"No you don't Harry." She stated and began cutting her pancakes.

"You've spent so much money on me. I promise, i'll pay you back." He looked down in disappointment. Mai couldn't help but wish that he would continue talking. This was one of the longest conversations they had managed to have in the past month. She would do anything to hear that voice of his. It made every part of her ache; not that she would ever admit that.

"Well you pay the rent, so.." She chuckled while holding a hand over her month so he couldn't see the half-eaten food in her mouth.

"I know, but.. Forget it." He spoke up after drawing a blank. He crawled out of the bed and thought for a second. "Some people are coming over tonight, do you think you can go out and get some drinks?"

She knew that he wasn't talking about normal drinks. He wanted alcohol and he had lost his fake i.d. a couple months ago.

"Yeah, sure." She moved the tray to the end of the bed and lifted the blanket off of her body; exposing her bare upper-body. The only thing she had on was a pair of polka-dot underwear she had had since her junior year. He was familar with it. She covered herself with her arm and walked around him. He watched her tense back muscles as she traveled across the apartment and towards the bathroom. Harry followed close behind and tried to control himself from jumping his bestfriend. They weren't supposed to see eachother that way.

"I'll leave money on the counter, alright?" He stood in the hallway while she adjusted the shower handles.


Their relationship had always been this quiet and awkward; something they had both grown used to over time. If Mai needed to vent to someone, she could call a friend and Harry wasn't the kind of person to talk in general. He would only talk when he was high, so she took advantage of that.

Mai had fallen in love with the idea of Harry about 3 years back. She didn't know him well enough to be 'in love' with him, but she loved the mystery that came along with him. The danger that came with a drug dealer; and the beauty of him.

His tattoo's were unordinary and each one had a story behind it. She wanted to know each and every one of them, but he would never tell anyone. Mai had her theory's though.


Mai walked down the hallway with a 6 pack of the cheapest beer possible in each hand; the apartment keys held in between her teeth. She could feel the circulation in her fingers getting cut off and she sat down the beer to unlock the door. She could hear the sound system banging and the walls were shaking slightly while she fiddled with the key, although it ended up being unlocked anyways. She pushed her pin-straight hair back behind her ear and then picked the alcohol up again; pushing the door open with her butt.

Her nose was overwhelmed with the smell of different cigarettes and vapors. The distinct smell of strawberry champagne was filling up the air around her and the room felt as if it was completely foggy. She could see a couple in the corner of the room, devouring each others faces and then the 3 couches in the center of the living room were overflowing with random druggies that Harry had known. A couple people were drinking and talking in the kitchen over the loudness of the music speakers.

About 9 people sat at the foot of the couches, passing around a bong.

This was more than a couple. There were probably about 30 people in the tiny apartment and they were all the towns biggest stoners. She searched the room until she found Harry sitting in the middle of the couch; with 5 girls next to him. She placed the drinks down in the kitchen and stomped over to him.

"Hey, she's here." He muttered to a guy that was sitting down in front of him. Mai nodded politely to the young boy and then motioned towards Harry.

"Can we talk?" She forced her hands into her pockets and watched as he stood up and followed her to the bedroom where 2 couples were making out. He chuckled slightly as she leaned against the wall and took a quick look at the boy and girl moaning on Mai's bed.

"You said 'a couple'." She mimicked Harry's voice perfectly and crossed her arms across her chest.

"I know, they all just showed up." He spoke slowly, the way he always did.

"Fine." She groaned and went to move around him but he threw his arm up in her way and placed his hand on the wall.

"Hey." He muttered and her eyebrows knitted together.

"What?" She looked his face over and it settled as he reached his free hand up to touch her cheek. He leaned in until their noses were brushing together. "What're you doing Harry." She whispered right before his lips dropped ontop of hers and moved gently. Her heart stopped for a second and she opened her eyes at the same second that he did. Mai had never kissed him while she was sober and she had been for about a week now. "What was that for?" She kept asking him questions even thought she knew he wouldn't answer. He wasn't the kind of person to open up and she knew that by now; but she was still confused. He raised his head slowly and his eyes caught hers, Mai's breathing quickened as she looked over his perfect features. His green eyes were as vibrant as ever and his hair was slightly soaked from the heat in the apartment.

He cocked a smile before leaning in again and wrapping an arm around her waist, kissing her once again. She finally gave in and placed a hand on the back of his neck. He back up just long enough for Mai to catch her breath. It always surprised her whenever his lip rings didn't get in the way; because they just looked like they should. His warm lips traveled down her cold neck and she placed her hands on his chest; pushing him away.

"What are you on Harry?"

"What do you mean?" He questioned and felt like shit after being rejected. He moved closer to her and placed his hand back down on her hip.

"Lsd, coke, meth-" She started but was cut off when he spoke up for once in his life.

"Nothing. I'm on nothing." He smiled and she wished that he could look like that at all times.

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