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Mai woke up next to no one in a cold bed. She searched the white sheets for the boy she had fallen asleep on; but he was nowhere to be found. Typical. She looked at the clock, he was gone for work. There wasn't a note left, but that was normal.

She rubbed her eyes and stood up. Mai walked out of Harry's small bedroom and towards the bathroom. There wasn't much time to take a shower, considering the fact that she was already going to be late for work.

Harry was currently an employee for a local skate shop in Bay City. Mai, on the other hand, was a vocal coach for a small music school. She had always enjoyed singing and the pay was well. It worked out perfectly and they never seemed to "run out" of money, per say.

She was going to be about 10 minutes for her first lesson and she scurried around the shitty apartment for her belongings. The room was still a complete wreck from the night before and she could see glass bottles in almost every corner. There was no time to clean, but she sprayed a couple perfumes around the room until It smelled moderately well. She stuffed her keys in her hand and ran out the door, locking it behind her and running down the stairs towards her car. She disliked driving the old beater truck; but it got her places and that was all that mattered. Harry had a similar truck, but his was a newer model.

The day went by extremely slow for both of them and the drive home seemed even longer. Harry got home slightly before her and he tidied up the place. He knew that Mai was pretty anal-retentive about how the apartment looked at all times.

He couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. It wasn't sloppy and fast like the majority of the kisses they had shared before. That's what was throwing him off. He felt bad about leaving her in the morning without a 'goodbye', but they had hooked up plenty of times before and not once have they ever left each other a note. They had a very odd relationship. He was tossing the beer bottles into a recycling bin when he heard the front door open.

He didn't say a word and kept to himself when he watched Mai go straight to her bedroom. That was weird. She always spoke to him; or at least tried to. He washed his hands off and dried them on his jeans before making a beeline to her bedroom. He nodded softly before turning the knob and stepping In. She was running a hand through her hair and staring directly at her cellphone.

"Hey." He grumbled and she looked up at him. Her blue eyes seemed brighter than usual.

"Hey. What happened last night?" She placed her phone down on the nightstand and sunk into the bed. He felt something in his stomach drop and it was such a new feeling for him. She didn't remember.

"Nothing." He tugged on his curls roughly and turned on his heel to leave the room.

Mai felt her eyes growing heavier and the twist in her stomach tightened. He didn't remember.

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