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7:49 p.m. - Rockaway Beach, OR

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Mai shook her head in protest, unsure if he could ever fully be the man she needed him to be for her, and waited for Harry to have a witty remark.

"What do you want me to do Mai?" He repeated himself from earlier and she bit her lip; thinking.

"8 letters Harry." She looked down at her bare feet and dug her toes in the sand. I love you.

"Taco Bell." He smirked and she hit him softly, laughing at his joke that was unfortunately funny.

"Wrong." She crossed her arms again and tried to keep a stern face. Harry backed away slowly and ran his hand through his hair. It was a terrible habit he was getting. He knew this was the absolute wrong time and he had planned on asking her after he had truly shown her what it felt like to make love with someone but she was asking for him to show his love to her and it was a decision he had been pondering since her accident.She watched him as he dug in his jacket pocket without hesitation and gradually got down on one knee.

Mai looked over her shoulder to make sure it wasn't another one of Harry's sick jokes and Harry cleared his throat to catch her attention.

"Mai." His eyes rested on hers and he gave her a genuine smile.

"What are you doing Harry?" Her eyes widened and her chest throbbed; her throat begging for air. "Get up." She stepped closer to him and grabbed his arm, trying to pull him to his feet. "Get off the ground Harry! What are you doing?"

His wrist flicked over and his palm opened to reveal a small diamond ring. She could feel his regret as he waited for her to respond but she was frozen. Nothing too flashy or out of his budget; but something she wouldn't mind keeping on her finger for all eternity. "I just can't wait for love to destroy us."

Mai bit her lip and dropped her face into her hands, avoiding eye contact with Harry.

"For God sakes." Harry stood up and pulled her to him with his free hand. "Marry me." His face seemed like it was inches away, and it was; it really was. "Just nod, something, anything." He breathed out heavily and blinked a few times to avoid crying. "Please...Mai." His hand ran up to her hair and he pushed it back, holding it in place so that he could see her face completely. He couldn't image never being able to hold her this way again.

His hand seemed to cover her whole cheek and it was her size that seemed so appealing. How fragile she was. How easy it could be to break her; the amount of care she needed when he was with her.

She leaned into his cold hand and closed her eyes; pressing a small kiss to his middle finger. The cold metal of his 'Ungrateful Dead' ring enticing her lips. She found herself nodding slowly into his fingertips and trying to hold back a smile.

"Yes?" He breathed out for a brief period of time. "Yes?" He asked again with his dimples finding their way back to his cheeks.

"Yes." She whispered and looked up at the happy boy. He went for a kiss but she found her way into his arms instead; holding onto him.

He slickly slipped the ring onto her correct finger and she took his hand in hers, pulling her closer to the shore and enjoying the small smile that lingered on her lips when she didn't think he was looking. They found a dimly lit area then sat down in the sand.

Harry pulled her close when an older man walked by with a dog even though they were not allowed on the beach. Police had never really been very enforced in the town.

"You're cold." Harry pointed out her very obvious shivering. Oregon in wintertime is never a good idea.

"I don't want to leave." Mai's voice was hushed and Harry knew that it was because she was focusing on the sound of the waves. They never failed to soothe her whenever she was feeling down. This was their spot and he knew it always would be, even if she left him.

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