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Mai chose to sit on the floor in the corner of her room instead of the bed; the faint memories of her nightmare still remained there. Harry's body, covered in slits and everything just tinted in red blood. The scream she let out when she checked his pulse and got the information she wanted least In the whole world. She sat and cried. Not like it was something new or different; she wasn't afraid to cry. She wasn't like Harry in that respect. She knew the right times to cry and the wrong ones. She was all alone, with music to drown out the sound of her whimpers; now was a good time to cry.

She picked at the wood on the floor and drummed her fingers impatiently.

She needed something to do, because if she just sat there, she would start thinking; and lord knows that is a bad idea.

She crawled on the floor, dragging her leg behind her until she reached her nightstand. Mai took a pen and notebook out of it. She lacked inspiration and there wasn't much to write. She decided to write down her 'dream'. Every single aspect of it; she wrote it. Every detail, every color, plant, item. It was all so vivid.

She sat the pad down and looked around the room, it reminded her of the one back home and that was probably the worst thing possible.


"What're you doing?" Her father slurred and sat down at the dinner table; a glass of Hennessy Cognac in his hand. It was probably his 7th of the night; she was starting to keep track.

"An article for the school newspaper. It's due tomorrow so can you, um... le-" He cut her off before she got the chance to finish.

"You know what your problem is Mai? You try too hard, you work too hard. I dunno why you even bother. You're not goin' to go anywhere in life; men get all the good jobs. You're just gon' be a good-for-nothing woman like your mom."

"Please, don't talk about my mom like that." She mumbled and looked back at her paper, trying to ignore his presence. He demanded to be heard though.

"Hey, I was talkin' ta you." He nudged her arm harder than he intended to and caused her to shriek. "You don't listen like your mother either." He grumbled, spitting bits and piece of his alcohol on her paper. "No matter how hard you try in this world, all it's gonna give you back is bullshit." He elbowed her to catch her attention when he realized she had blocked him out again. "Listen to me, you little fuck."

His drink splashed onto the table; trashing her paper and then making its way onto the wooden floors of their new apartment.

"Fucking shit, you're a damn waste of space. Dunno why she keeps you around. Clean it up 'fore your mom gets home." He spat at her before standing up and walking away.

This was nothing.

Mai wished that her home life could've been better, but it wasn't and there wasn't much she could've done about it. She had always had to spend her own money on school projects and textbooks. Walked to school instead of getting rides. Couldn't have friends over because he was always over. Her mom tried, don't get her wrong, but she had horrible luck with men.

In that respect, Mai was very much like her mom. She chose Harry. She could have any guy at her school and she chose the misfit kid. The one that didn't belong and was always getting into trouble. She liked the danger and thrill of being with someone she knew wasn't good for her.

Mai was an open book and it didn't take long for Harry to find out about her home life. He was worried about her in every way possible, and in that way, he was not like the men Mai's mother brought home. Harry cared, in a strange way, he did care.

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