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"Fuck!" Mai flinched in the bed and opened her eyes to see Harry standing with his hands raised up high in the air. An xbox controller was in one hand and the tv was hooked up to it. "You've got to be kidding me!" He groaned and sunk back into his chair. Leave it to him to get comfortable.

She heard a kind laugh and she looked to her left to see a lady switching out her i.v.

"He always like this?" She questioned and motioned in his direction while he focused all of his attention on the flat-screen tv the hospital had in the room. She was small and blonde, seemed kind of young; but not younger than Mai.

"I wish." Mai looked over at Harry in 'awe' while his eyes glistened over and he got into the game he was playing. He was a silent lad, wasn't very outgoing and this was the most excitement she had ever seen in him.

The nurse rested a hand on Mai's shoulder and shrunk down to her level.

"You can leave in 2 weeks. Visiting hours are from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m, we already told him." Her eyes faltered up to Harry and then back down. "We will be starting physical therapy in a week, or whenever you begin feeling better and then you are required to return for 2 more months afterwards."

"We can't afford that." Mai spoke under her breath and watched as the girl nodded in understanding.

"You will have to speak to the doctor for that. His name is Dr. Williams, I believe that he did pretty well earlier." She gave her a sweet smile and tapped on her head where there was a cold breeze.

"I-" Mai began and the nurse shook her head.

"It's really small, the hair won't grow back on the scar tissue, it's faintly visible. Oh, and my name is Katie if you have any questions." She stood up and began walking towards the door.

Mai reached up to her head and felt around for a few seconds before feeling plain skin.

Harry looked over for a second while Mai evaluated her bald spot.

"Do you have a mirror?" She wondered out loud and he bit his lip softly before shaking his head 'no'.

"You look beautiful." He paused his game and walked over to where she had been laying. There was no way in hell that she could even look remotely decent.

He wasn't sure what had exactly happened in the past 3 days, but he knew that this was not normal behavior for him. A week ago, If Mai had gotten injured; he would be at the apartment right now, smoking a fag with Rose at his knees. He wouldn't have woken up at 8 a.m. so he could be the first one in the hospital to greet her when she woke. And he sure as hell would not be looking at this girl like a deer caught in headlights.

"I'll try and get you out of this shitty place as soon as possible." He mumbled and rested his hand on the edge of the bed. She studied his hands, because she never knew it was possible to find hands attractive.

"You got a new ring?" Her smile was delicate and kind as she rubbed the silver on his middle finger. He looked down at her pale fingers as they tried to move the ring, but she was too weak to make it budge.

"Yeah." The sound of heart monitors was echoing throughout the hallway and he started walking towards the door to close it. Her eyes followed his body across the room. He had changed into something more comfortable. Plaid pajama bottoms and a plain white t-shirt.

"M?" She said out of curiosity and he looked down and for a second, she thought he might actually be blushing. Engraved in the beautiful silver was a cursive 'm'.

"You have something that reminds you of me, and I needed something that reminded me of you." He said shamelessly.

She spoke without thinking and regretted the words as soon as they passed her lips. "Why are you being so weird?" It wasn't supposed to come out as a negative comment; but that's exactly what it sounded like. Harry wasn't the kind of guy to do random acts of kindness; nor the kind of guy to even be worried about her in the first place.

"You almost died, you understand that right?" He was tall and hovered over the bed; his height was no match for it.

She nodded and managed to refrain from crying.

Well I thought you did die.

There were a few moments of silence before he inhaled deeply.

"I'm not risking that again." He dipped down and took her face in his hands. There wasn't much she could do; one of her hands was pinned down and the other one had an i.v. in it. His nose brushed against hers briefly before he parted his lips and she followed in suit.

The kiss was short and simple, but he initiated it this time, and that was all that mattered.

It was hard imagining him as a romantic person. He didn't show much affection. Never had he held a girls hand nor had he kissed them in public; at least none that he could distinctively remember.

She didn't speak, but her eyes said everything she couldn't dare. He rubbed her cheek softly and then pinched it before giving her a quick smile. She watched it fade as soon as it came and he suddenly became serious.

"I want you to stop." His eyes lowered so he could focus in on hers as she squirmed uncomfortable.

"What are yo-"

"I want you to stop." One of his hands slid down her side until it was resting on her thigh over the blanket. She understood.

"I want you to stop." She whispered and looked up to meet his gaze. She frowned and then he followed her eyes until they rested on the cigarette placed lazily in between his fingers. She knew that he was on his way outside to light it up.

"Ok." He nodded in agreement and she never expected him to cave that easily. The tension in the room was high and he eased it by kissing her once again and then turning on his heel to the door.

His head dropped and he walked away staring at his feet; not a very confident lad.

He sat down on a wooden bench in the parking lot while digging in his pocket. He pulled out his zipo-lighter and then a sheet of paper. It was crumbled and torn, but would work perfectly. He placed It on the hard surface of the bench and took the small pencil he managed to carry with him everywhere.

After a few seconds, he read it over and was pleased. He thought of their previous conversations that they had had on the same subject and combined them.

'I told her that she was too beautiful to cut her skin.

She said that I am too beautiful for lung cancer.

This is my last pack. '

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