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Mai breathed heavily and listened to one of Harry's mix tapes through the car. She was on the interstate and had a few more miles to go before she would be at the exit for their apartment. Her apartment. Her fingers drummed on the wooden hard wheel and she began to over think.

The first time she saw him.

How they met.

Their first hug; first kiss.

The time he accidentally stepped on her toe and kissed it better.

Or the time he scratched her favorite cd and took her out to a drive-in theatre instead.

How he didn't like salt on his popcorn or the way that hospitals smelt.

He loved the sound of thunder and a fender guitar, or the way she would sing every morning in the shower.

The little things that were now just memories.

She lowered her foot on the pedal and accelerated. Mai rolled down the window to get fresh air while she kept speeding up.

"Mai, slow down." She looked over to the passenger's seat to see Harry. Night was quickly coming and the glow of the radio shone on his face while he placed a hand on the dashboard.


"Mai, please." He said calmly while she reached 90 miles-per-hour.

"Why does it matter? Everyone I love is gone." She whispered and rolled her shoulders; popping each of them.

"Don't speak like that. You're gonna get both of us killed." Harry said over the roar of the engine, ironic.

"You. Are. Dead. Harry." She huffed and began crying. It was hard to speak, but she spoke anyways. "You're dead. I was irrevocably in love with you and now you're gone! I fucking loved you Harry." She shouted to the leather seat. He looked like he was going to say something about the 10 mile increase and the fact that her hair was whipping around, or maybe the fact that she never secured her seatbelt.

"There's nothing for me here. This town is stupid, the people are stupid. I stayed for you Harry. God damn it!" She slammed her fist on the wheel while choking on her words. "I hate it here. I wanted to be with you? I want to be with you." She whispered the very end and Harry straightened in his seat. He couldn't wipe her tears away even if he tried.

"No, not like this. Mai, no!" She pressed her foot to the floor and took a tight hold on the wheel. There was a turn coming up soon, where a metal railing would be. She knew the roads like the back of her mind, or the creases of Harry smile. "Mai, for fucks sake! Stop. I love you. I love you; you crazy, beautiful girl. I am in love with you. I've loved you since day one." He reached out to touch her, but she didn't respond. She couldn't feel him.

"What?" Her eyes watered over and she looked at him with a sincere smile. Her eyes were red, puffy, and swollen. She had been crying so much lately, it was bound to happen. The little makeup she even bothered to wear had worn off and her hair that had been in a bun was now pushed around from the wind. Her eyes lit up with a sign of hope and he had never seen her look so vulnerable. A bright light shone from in front of them and he faced forward.


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