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a/n: Restating that I take no credit for the 'poems' at the end of each chapter.Credit is given to the proper writers, and if there isn't, it's because there wasn't a name.

"You need to get to bed." Harry tapped Mai's shoulder to wake her up. She was curled up in a ball on the couch next to him; she had dozed off while watching 'Red Dawn' on Netflix. She groaned at him and he smirked. "Come on now."

"No." Mai grumbled and readjusted herself on the couch.

"Babe, let's go." He stood up and slapped her leg playfully. She spoke under her breath and leaned up, opening her eyes and slowly stood up. "It's almost midnight." She began to Harry's room and stopped when he put his hands on her shoulders. "Your room. You haven't slept in there since we've been back." She groaned even louder and looked up at him.

"You don't want me to sleep with you?" She meant it in the most innocent way possible and that's the way he took it. Harry knew that he could quite possibly hurt her feelings and that was the last thing he wanted to do; but he also hadn't had his bed to himself in the past few weeks and it was beginning to frustrate him. Mai radiated a lot of heat and he needed to sleep in the cold. If this was going to be an everyday thing, he needed to get a fan.

"No, of course not." He pushed a piece of hair behind her ear and then slowly dragged his fingers across her cheek. "I just think you should try and sleep in your bed. It's been a while. Mkay?" He gave her a soft smile and she shook her head in protest.

"I'll just sleep on the couch." She grabbed the blanket off the back of the lounger and dropped back onto the sofa.

"No, Mai." He sighed and sat down next to her. "What's wrong? Why can't you sleep in your bed?" He felt like he was talking to a 5 year old, but she was his 5 year old and that was all that mattered.

"The dream." She muttered and intertwined her own fingers.

"The one in the hospital?" He tried to seem interested when the only thing he wanted to do was go to sleep. She nodded up and down in response and he set his hand on top of hers. "What about the dream?"

"We got in the argument and I drove off-" She began and he cut her off.

"And you crashed-"

"No." She spoke quickly and it caught him off guard.

"I drove to Greg's and I stayed there for a few days until I decided to come home. And when I got here, I opened the door and saw blood- Harry, there was so much blood. I followed it to my bedroom, and- and I saw you. You were just laying there. And I screamed your name over-a-and over a-again and you just- you wouldn't wake up." He could feel her shake and begin to choke up.

"Okay, Mai, let's get you to bed. It's alright. You don't have to say anymore." He reassured her and pulled her up; heading to his bedroom. He let her strip out of her clothes and crawl into his bed before he opened the window up slightly. The cold December air rushed in.

"I'm sorry." She spoke into her pillow and he got in beside her.

"Don't be." He remained on his side of the mattress, exactly 1 foot away from her and she remained on hers; the way they always slept.


"I'm not so sure about this." Mai followed close behind Harry, carefully navigating through the sand.

"It's beautiful out, come on; it's just like high school all over again." He took her hand in his and trudged until he was a few yards from the campfire. The moon was low on the water and the cold air rushed around all of the drunken bodies of nobodies. All of the boys were familiar but the girls were younger, probably seniors. Harry knew them all, Mai knew none. They all greeted him and this was the best time to see Harry Styles. He was in a good mood, his smile was as bright as the sun and everything about him seemed likable.

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