INCLINE: part 1

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((AN: hi! Welcome! Basically this used to be called my pretty sleeper, and as I kept reading it I was like damn this is boring so I deleted it and took a completely new approach. Hope you enjoy! Vote and comment!))

Slope number 9 was always my favorite. I hated the difficult runs, doesn't that defeat the purpose of snowboarding? I would much rather go for a nice cruise, enjoying my surroundings and gliding down the mountain with ease.

I loved the feeling of crisp, cold air on my face on the lift. The ride up is part of the experience. Snow covered pine trees have to be one of the most beautiful sights. It was a nice, overcast day, with fresh snow and perfect temperatures. Not a gust of wind in the air.

Next to me, Kimberly clicked her snowboard with her free foot, sending built up snow to the ground below us. Her short, brown hair barely moved in the air caused by the fast-moving chair lift. She was gorgeous, everything I wanted to be. Tall, fit, and talented. Kimberly would be at the Olympic trials this time next winter. I envied her skill.

"Dang Kyndall, your gloves are torn up bad!" She said. She picked up my hand. My middle and index finger on the right hand were sticking out of the finger tips. I wiggled them.

"I know, I know. Don't get started on high end snowboarding gear, not all of us are future Olympians," I joked. She smiled.

"That's no excuse to suffer with crap equipment, you've had the same boots for almost three years now!"

"They're comfy!"

"They're old!"

We started laughing. Kimberly lifted up the safety bar, as the drop off was approaching. We shifted to the side, positioned our boards in the snow, then used the momentum of the moving chair to slide to the metal benches and strap in our free foot.

Across the way, a boy with the craziest hair i had ever seen slid to the other bench. He smiled at me. I blushed.

"Hey don't go too fast for me, you know-"

"Relax Kyn, you know you'll be okay if you end up by yourself. Try to keep up!" She hopped up off the bench, then hobbled to the middle and started gliding. I followed as close behind as I could. The boy with crazy pink hair caught my eye again as we started down the incline.

Kimberly kept a good, steady pace that I could keep up with. We went back and forth, criss-crossing our "s" shaped patterns in the snow. We were coming up on a patchy, icy spot, so i slowed down a little. Kimberly used a hump I the snow to include a small jump. We cheered when she landed it.

"Nice!" I yelled as she did a funny little dance while she moved.

It happened in a flash.

A patch of gravel caught the end of her board, sending her into a flip. She over spun, landed on her shoulder, then started tumbling faster than I could glide. Before I knew it my board was perpendicular to the slope of the mountain, trying to gain as much speed as possible.

"Kimberly!!! Catch yourself!!!" I shouted, slowly catching up. She was rolling towards a patch of trees.

"Kimberly stop!!" I was practically screaming. She couldn't find a grip. I could see her flailing, trying to get a grip in the snow but it wasn't working. Her left foot came loose from the board. That was bad. The loose end caused her right leg to twist unnaturally. I could hear her screaming.

The patch was so close now. There was no way I could catch up in time. I just kept yelling and yelling her name.

She stopped.

He body wrapped around a tree and stayed there, landing with a thud that gently shook the tree.

"Kimberly!!!" I screamed. I abruptly shifted my feet to be horizontal, stopping at the edge of the trees. I couldn't get out of my board fast enough. I half ran, half stumbled to the tree she was wrapped around. She wasn't awake.

INCLINE || Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now