UKE:part 14

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((AN: I made up the name of the restaurant, so don't go searching it bc it's not real lol.))


Selena came over with the letters. After having a crazy reaction to my new hair, we all sat down together with the letters. One was from Stanford, which was a college I applied to just for the hell of it. I knew I wouldn't get accepted. The other was to Alabama, which was one of the last places I wanted to go, but I applied anyway.

Rejected for Stanford, accepted to Alabama.

"I'm so proud of you. You did an awesome job." Selena patted my shoulder.


"Do you know where you're gonna go yet?" She asked. Josh and I made eye contact.

"Not yet. I haven't decided."

"You don't have to worry about it right now anyway." Selena smiled.

"Yeah, I know. Thanks for dropping these off."

"No problem, see ya Kyn." Selena left.

"You're gonna have to decide soon." Josh said.

"I know, I'm still thinking about it." 

Josh went to the bedroom. I stayed on the couch, thinking. I hated making decisions. I was deciding my future right then. That's scary.

Josh was in the shower. I stood in front of his full body mirror and ran my fingers through my hair, feeling the buzz cut on the back of my head. The feeling of buzzed hair was new to me, it felt so clean and neat. after I changed into my pjs, I watered my plants that needed it. Josh hadn't said anything about them, so guessed he didn't mind the little succulents that lied around. I payed special attention to the one Josh had cut for me. It made me smile every time I thought about it.

For some reason that night, I kept thinking about Kimberly. It made my chest hurt to think about her. I wondered what she would think of me now, bright red hair and staying at a famous boys apartment. She would be so happy, and maybe not even believe me. I was doing things so out of my character lately, was it grief?

The shower turned off. A few minutes later Josh walked out shaking out his hair. I watched him, as he probably thought I was asleep. He brushed his teeth, shook his hair some more, then headed for the bed. I snuggled in close to him, only to find that his skin was still wet all over his chest. The water stuck to my shirt.

"Do you know his to use a towel?" I joked. Josh laughed.

"That pisses Tyler off too. Come here you'll be fine." He pulled me closer, then leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I giggled.

"Have you been thinking about the tour?" Josh asked. I sighed.

"I don't wanna think about it."

"You have to eventually."

"I know." I just wanted to sleep.

"Good night."

"Good night."


I woke up the next morning to the sound of Josh's drums. He was playing loudly, as he always did. It was already 10:00, so I pulled myself out of bed and wondered to the music room, standing where he couldn't see me. He had headphones in, drumming go a fast pace beat without a shirt. I watched him drum to himself, bouncing on the chair and moving go the beat. It was so interesting to watch him. The song shifted and he started drumming steadily, covering the whole drum set and not stopping. There was a break in the pattern? Then it picked up again. When he finished, he pulled out his headphones and grabbed a drink of water. I walked into his view.

INCLINE || Josh DunTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang