SMUDGE LOVE: part 20

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"Alright Tyler, say stuff," the sound technician yelled from somewhere back stage. Tyler stood behind the mic, holding on to the stand. He started humming all kinds of weird noises and scales for the sound check. I sat with Jenna in the stands, laughing together at Tyler's weird noises and facial expressions.

"Jennaaaaa. I looooooovveeeeee youuuuuuu!" He sounded like a whale the way he changed his pitch. Jenna held up her hands in a heart.

"Alright that's good. Thanks man." The sound guy gave Tyler a thumbs up.

I saw Josh in the pit, talking to another guy on crew. They seemed to be having a serious conversation. He left, then came back with a crew that set a miniature drum set on the stage that was on a sturdy wooden platform. Two more platforms came out, these with single large drums on them. Josh walked around them, shaking the parts around to make sure they were secure. He called to someone, and they came back with a power drill, which Josh used to secure the hi-hat on the first drum set. He worked on them with the crew. It surprised me how involved they were with the production of their tour. Josh could have easily had someone work on the drums for him, but he did it himself. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tyler tuning his bass guitar, sitting on one of the speakers. Jenna's phone started ringing.

"Hey?" She said funny.

"Already? Okay, love you." I realized she was talking to Tyler, as he was on his phone and looking at Jenna.

"We have to head out, they're rehearsing for tonight." Jenna said.

"Why do we have to leave?" I asked.

"Josh wants to surprise you, and I want to run around with you today." She sad with a smile.

We walked down the rows and hopped the gate between the seating and the floor to the stage. I tapped Josh on his ankle.

"Hey, I'm leaving."

"Okay." He got down on his stomach so that we were eye level and gave me a kiss.

"Have fun, see you tonight." He smiled.

"Bye." I waved as Jenna and I disappeared behind the side of the stage.


"Hey Josh, you good buddy?" Tyler came up next to me. I was sitting by my drum set, tightening some of the parts. He could tell I was nervous.

"Yeah, I'm a little stressed." I admitted, putting down the wrench.

"Hey man, tonight is going to be amazing. Kyndall will love it." He put a hand on my shoulder.

"I hope so. I want her to, really bad."

"She will, lets rehearse forest real quick, it's been a while on that one." He gave me a smile. I smiled back, then grabbed a couple drum stick and tapped on the snare a little before Tyler sat at the piano.

"Hey, play the forest track." Tyler spoke into the mic, tapping a c note. The familiar sound rang in my ears, quite loud too. I started drumming, and I hadn't forgotten a bit of the song.

I don't know why I, feed on emotion. There's a stomach inside my brain.

I concentrated on Tyler's voice, imagining we were in the basement again, in the early stages of the song. I pretended I was on my old, cheap drum set that I had always broken the hi-hat on and busted the kick drum. That never stopped me from playing full force. I thought about Tyler's brother, Zack, sitting across the room and using the computer. My mind drifted to the days where we couldn't even foresee a tour, let alone the world. That made me smile, thinking about how far we had come.

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