DRUNK: part 26

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I really really liked Colorado. There was sort of a balance between nature and city. In Denver, the city was full of tall buildings and cool places, all with the serene mountains in the background of it all just a short drive away.

Our hotel was the first stop. As soon as we got to our room, Josh sighed and flopped backwards onto the bed. I smiled at him as I set my bag down and lied my jacket over the back of the desk chair.

"You're so cute," he said, a soft look in his eyes. He looked so happy, even with his lip and the minor injuries around his body. I fell down onto the bed next to him and felt him wrap his arms around my waist and pull me closer. He held my hips against him and smiled at me, looking me in the eyes. He kissed me gently on the nose, a twinkle in his eye.

"Hey Josh, we gotta go get me a phone." I said, our faces inches from each other. The look he gave me made me feel butterflies.

He gave me a short, but nice kiss on the lips as he held me. I felt my face flush. He pulled away, but I followed him. When we opened our eyes, he laughed a little at me as I tried to follow him for a longer kiss. I blushed, and he kissed me again. The angle got awkward, so he held onto my hips and pulled us up so we were sitting instead of lying on our sides. I placed my hands on his shoulders. Sitting like this we weren't quite close enough. I pulled back.

"This isn't working," Josh laughed. I grabbed his shoulders, then sat so my legs wrapped around his waist and I was sitting in his lap.

This was definitely close enough.

He wasn't really smiling anymore, this look was a lot different than happy. He leaned up to kiss me again.

These kisses felt different. It almost felt like we were attacking each other, but in an amazing, beautiful way. I didn't want it to stop. Our mouths weren't closed anymore. Just like in the kitchen before, I felt his hand travel down and grab my butt. I made a slight noise that I didn't expect from myself, and although quiet, it changed the entire mood of the situation. I reached up and placed my hand on the back of his neck, my fingers tangling in his messy red hair.

We pulled back for a breather, our eyes locked. I could stare at them forever, the warm brown capturing me. I kept my hand on his neck, tracing little circles on his skin with my fingers. Everything just felt so intimate.

"Is your lip okay?" I asked. I moved my hand so that I held his face, the gently ran my thumb on the skin near the area.

"I'm fine, are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm good. Why?"

"Oh, I just, didn't know how far this was going," he shrugged. I remembered he was still holding my butt, which made me want to smile and ruin the mood, but I held it back.

"Wanna find out?" I asked, sort of playfully. That earned me a smile. He attacked me with a kiss again, and we picked up where we left off.

It seemed sort of sudden but his lips left my mouth and found themselves on my jaw line. There was that quiet noise again. I could tell he liked that. He stopped briefly.

"Do you mind hickies?" He asked.

"I love them," I said with a slight smile. With that, he started below my ear. I felt his teeth on my skin as he began to leave a mark.

"Oh..." I let out.

His phone rang. He sighed as he dug around in his pocket for it.

"Aw, babe." I kissed him on the cheek as he reached for his phone.

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