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1. Thank you. I know I say it at the end of every book and many times in between, but I will never be capable of saying it enough. This book has been amazing to write; from the rise to the climax and the fall, and it's been so amazing because of you guys. This has also been the hardest book to write, but all of you have been so humble and patient for the updates over these past several months, and that makes me extremely happy. These past few years have been so much fun, and I owe it all to you guys. I've learned so much of what I know about writing from you guys. You guys, who write the same types of stories that I do, are the reason that I know all of the writing techniques that I do today, and even now they aren't to the best of my ability, but that's okay because all things develop with time and practice. I believe over the course of this book my writing style and preferences have changed; in fact, a lot of things have changed over the course of this fic, and I'm going to talk about that in just a bit.

2. I'm sorry. I lagged with this book more than I needed to and more than I meant to. I didn't extend my chapters as I had promised, and this book did not conclude in the manner I had originally planned. I promised smut, lots of it initially, and while I know most of you probably don't care about that, I still feel obligated to apologize for breaking that promise. A year ago I would have had no problem writing a lot of sex scenes in any of my stories, but over the course of this last year I've come to admire and prefer non-graphic sex scenes and more passionate things (But don't get me wrong, dirty sex is still hot who's kidding).

3. This is my final kellic fic. Yeah, I know this is abrupt and blunt, but there was no need to mention it prior. Some of you may have noticed my disconnect with kellic and the bands for a while now, but if not, I just want you all to know that I haven't really associated myself with pierce the veil or sleeping with sirens for about a year. This isn't because I hate them or anything, I just don't enjoy the same things that I used to. I knew eventually this phase would come to an end, and now it has. I just don't ship kellic in the same way that I have in the past, and it wouldn't be right for me to continue writing something I'm not passionate about. The reason this entire book has been a drag is simply because it's kellic, and while that probably sounds negative, it's really not. Everybodys' interests will change and that's only natural, so I want you all to not be saddened by this, but rather happy. I want you to remember all of the fics and look back on them as fond memories, because this era has been a fantastic one for me and it should be for all of you guys as well.

4. This isn't goodbye. I'm not deleting my account, nor any of my books, they're all staying right here as am I. I'm still writing (How could I ever stop ??), I'm just writing new and different things. I cannot stress this enough: It's okay if you decide to quit reading my books or if you decide to unfollow. I'm sure a lot of you still enjoy kellic and won't care about the next plots that I create and post, and that's fine, I understand if our interests are no longer aligned, but to those who do decide to stick around and support my future fics, thank you.

Because this phase has ended, I'll be changing my username to a more platonic pseudonym; one that can accompany all different kinds of books. All of the new stories I write will be posted on here and on my AO3 account, though I will most likely be more active on AO3. If you're interested, my username is bangstan. For now, I've decided to begin writing in third person (A.k.a my safe haven) instead of first because I've always enjoyed third person POV over first and it's easier to write creatively, for me, in that POV. I've also decided to take a break from chaptered fics and updating schedules; I'm going to write large stories all at once and then post them as a single chapter, or maybe split them into chapters all posted at the same time, so if I go radio silent for months on end, just know that I'm most likely buried in my docs working on my latest story. Also know that my inbox is always open and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to message me. I also have Instagram accounts: ererilester, minyngo and sxcient. I'm available at any of those, so if you want to keep up with me or talk, that's another good place to check in.

Thank you all so much for the love and support these past few years; my account and my stories wouldn't be as popular as they are without you, and thank you for all of your kind comments supporting me and expressing your feelings for all of the books, I'll continuously be grateful for them.

Until next time, this has been, Trouble...

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