Chapter 3

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Brian’s POV

I tore my gaze from the ocean when I heard soft shuffling from behind me. My heart took up speed when I saw Katie smiling softly from her side of our bed, the sheet revealing the shimmering soft skin of her leg and arms. My body instantly responded to her presence and I loved it. Slowly I left my spot on my balcony and walked up to the goddess on my bed. Her eyes locked with mine, building up our amazing connection. She reached for me before her hands slowly and seductively pushed the sheet away revealing her breathtaking beauty. I felt a happy twitch between my legs and her beaming smile made it even harder to resist her. I crawled on top of her and her lips found mine and I was in heaven. But before we could even start the bed, the whole house started shaking. Everything started to collapse and then I heard her calling my name.

“Brian … Brian … Brian … dude, wake up.”

What? The shaking got heavier and suddenly I lost all balance and fell …

And face planted on the floor of our bus.

“Man, what have you been dreaming about?” Zacky chuckled while the rest of the crew laughed their asses off. Growling I got up and rubbed my sore forehead.

“Nothing.” I mumbled.

“Oh I know what he has been dreaming of.” Ben laughed and pulled out Katie’s picture from my bunk. “Must have been a very, veeeery wet dream, hu Gates?” I wanted to attack him but I saw the guys grinning and Johnny acted like he was banging the couch. Matt just pointed at my boxer shorts and when I looked down I blushed madly.

“As if you never dreamed of your girls like this.” I growled totally embarrassed and turned to get some clothes when Ben stopped me.

“We do but we finish the job before we arrive at the next venue.” He made a masturbating gesture and I was ready to bash his stupid face in but Zacky pushed a pair of jeans and a shirt in my hands.

“Get a shower and knock it off.” He patted my shoulder before he shoved me into the mini bathroom.

It’s not that it didn’t happen before. It was just natural that you get those dreams about your girlfriend or wife when you are on tour and separated from her for a long time. I used to have those dreams about Michelle a lot but never had it ended like this: In front of my friends’ eyes, on the floor, face first. Besides it wasn’t Michelle but Katie I had been dreaming about. We weren’t even a couple anymore. And everyone knew it.

Cussing my dick out I took a shower and got ready for the day. It was a bit of a challenge considering the movement of the bus. Apparently we had arrived in the next city and were stopping every once in a while at a red light or something. But nevertheless I managed to pull on my clothes and get my styling done without any serious injury and came out of the bathroom 15 minutes after my embarrassing entrance.

I tossed my clothes into my bunk and made my bed halfheartedly when Ben approached me.

“Hey man, uhm, I’m sorry, ok? I know you miss her like crazy. What I said and did was uncalled for.” He said rubbing the back of his neck. I grabbed my phone and fished for my leather jacket but when I saw his apologetic face I sighed.

“We’re cool, man. I probably would have done the same … if you ever had a girlfriend.” I chuckled and wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

“Yeah, thanks for reminding me.” He punched my side and we joined the others in the common area. We chatted a bit and looked out of the windows seeing the city fly by. This was what I loved on touring, next to playing live for the fans of course: Seeing so many different places. Traveling around the world and seeing concerts halls and festival areas filled with people who knew our songs by heart was so overwhelming. Even after all these years it blew me away that so many people across the world knew our songs and our story. It was a blessing that I was able to live this dream with my best friends in the whole world, with my brother in my heart.

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