Chapter 6

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I'm sorry for it being so short. I'll do my best to write longer ones in the future :)
Hope you enjoy!


Katie’s POV

“And then I said yes.” I said slightly bobbing up and down on my chair in the kitchen of my parents’ house. My cheeks were starting to hurt from all the smiling I would do while telling them everything about my boyfriend.

“But … you will come back to see us, right?” My mom asked softly with watery eyes.

“Aw mommy, of course. And you will come visiting us. Promise me?” She nodded almost in tears and I came to hug her tightly. After a short moment I felt the strong arms of my dad wrap around me and my mom and we stayed like this for a while. I was an only child and my parents, especially my mom, have always been a tad too protective. They worried so much and reminded me to be careful even though I was a grown up with a secure job and all. To that day they knew nothing of Lenny and how Brian and I really met. I had told them that I went on vacation to Los Angeles where I had met him and now after all this time together he had asked me to move in with him in his house in Huntington Beach. I didn’t want them to know the whole and exact truth. It would crush them. So we all, that was my and Brian’s friends, had decided to tell this rough construction of a story. It was better this way.

Of course I had looked at him in big surprise when Brian asked me to move in with him. But without thinking I had agreed which led to one hell of oxygen loss due to him kissing me lovingly. I had laughed so hard afterwards and we had spent all day cuddling and talking about moving together. We had ordered room service and just had a wonderful time catching up.

The concert the next day had been amazing, to say the least. I had gotten to know the support bands, Avatar from Sweden and Five Finger Death Punch from Vegas, and had spent some time with my man and our friends in the bus before I had to finish setting up the stage. Everyone had been super excited and stoked to play in Munich for the first time. And so had been the fans. I had brought in the press people and meet&greet winners a couple of hours before the show and had helped with the security when they let people in. The kids had been happy and rocking their hearts out, what looked really amazing from side stage. Not to mention the best band on the planet. Avenged Sevenfold had kicked some serious ass; my man and his boys were making me really proud.

After the concert we all had spent their two days off together and Brian and I would start planning my moving. He was excited like a little boy on Christmas Eve. It was so adorable. When we had things settled with Andrew, who was devastated that I – quote: “broke up” – with him, Brian booked a flight for me while I started to apply for a permanent visa.
It was pretty sad when the guys had to leave to continue their tour. I had hugged them all tightly, especially Zacky and Matt but when it was on me to let go of Brian I was nearly in tears. It was the hardest thing I had ever done but he had kissed me with all his heart and promised me his love and that we would speak every day when it was possible.  Jules held my hand as we watched the bus leaving the parking lot in front of the hotel.

After that I had occupied myself with organizing my move to the states. I got stuff done with my bank and insurance and all those official things. But when my visa had finally arrived I couldn’t help my squeal in happiness. I had felt like I could hug the world and I almost did it. I hugged all my friends tightly and we went out partying. I had even called Brian very early that morning in my drunken state. Of course I had woken him up but the sweet boyfriend he was didn’t hold a grunge. He had texted me the next morning, well afternoon for me, and had asked if I was ok.
Two days later I had packed some of my stuff and took the train to visit my parents. I just had to see them again to say goodbye and to make sure they were ok.

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