Chapter 5

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Look what I got for you on the last day of 2013 :)

I hope you enjoy it and have a wonderful party later at night!

Remember to stay strong and face life as it comes at you. Smile, laugh, hug people, be crazy and wild. Embrace life just as our St James did! Let him be a great example for living the dream <333


Katie’s POV

I know I said I was going to see Brian right after work. But we all knew that this wasn’t going to happen. That’s why Jules was nearly laughing her ass off while she watched me digging deep in the insides of my wardrobe to find something suitable to wear. In the end she had to help me and we decided that I looked decent enough in my black leather pants, a red tank top with my oversized grey pullover over it and some black heels. It was a miracle how she always managed to help me find the right outfit for the right occasion. Smiling she watched me fixing my makeup and ruffled my hair when I was done.

“Heeeeeyy!” I whined and tried to fix my hair. Of course it was no use.

“Now you look ready to eat.” Jules chuckled.

“Ha ha. Very funny. Is this really ok?” I fumbled with the hem of my pullover.

“Honey you look gorgeous. Besides Brian is so much in love with you, you could be covered in shit and he would still kiss you.” She laughed at the face I made picturing her description.

“You really know how to motivate a girl.” I rolled my eyes and hugged her. “Thanks Jules. For everything.”

“No need to thank me girl.” She hugged me back. “Now go and get back with your man. I didn’t want to believe it but you two are just made for one another.” I blushed madly but my heart flipped when she said that. With a huge smile on my face I grabbed my leather jacket and put my keys and phone in my purse.

“I see you later then.” I said as I opened the front door.

“I doubt that.” Jules chuckled and pushed me out of the flat. “Tell him I said hi. Ahh no forget about that. Just have fun.” Laughing I flipped her off and made my way to the underground.

Brian had texted me the name of the hotel and the street earlier. It was too funny. His spelling of a German street was just too adorable.

I was sitting in the underground with a goofy grin on my face. I know I said I wasn’t giving myself to him so easily but obviously I had no say in this. My heart was racing in my chest when I climbed the stairs up to the street and I had a hard time walking in my heels the closer I got to the fancy hotel.

I spotted a few fans outside the building. It actually made me happy for the guys. Their music deserved so much more attention than it already got and seeing this dedication was amazing. I was to make sure they would know about them and maybe they would go out and see those girls.

I came inside the lobby and it took my breath away. I had been in such a fancy and obviously expensive environment only once in my life before. It was pretty intimidating. Spotting the reception desk I put on a beaming smile and walked up to a nice looking lady.

“Hi.” I said making her look up at me.

“Good afternoon. How may I help you?” She smiled softly at me.

“I’m looking for the room of a Mr Brian Haner.” As soon as I said his name her eyebrows rose.

“I’m sorry but I’m not allowed to give out this information.” My smile fell.

Fairytale Gone Bad - {Synyster Gates - Book 2} -Where stories live. Discover now