Chapter 15

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Brian’s POV

“This is a joke!” Michelle looked at me in shock. Gently I reached for her hand but she jerked it away. Somehow this action hurt more than anything.

“It’s not because of me. I believe you, heck, I know that it’s mine but Katie … please baby …” I said looking into her burning eyes pleadingly.

I didn’t want to upset her. Not just because of our baby but for our friendship as well. Seeing her like this hurt me more than I would ever admit. We might have had our differences but the more time I spent with the Michelle she used to be the more I felt myself drawn to her.

“I … I will do it.” She sighed after a moment of calming herself down. “Under one condition.”

“Anything. Everything.” I said without hesitation.

“You will tell her as soon as we got the results.” She looked at me intensively and I felt myself swallow.

“I-I don’t know …” I started but Michelle cut me off.

“Dammit Brian, you owe that to her. We both do. I know that it was me who forced herself onto you but if you want to be part of the baby’s life while being with Katie then you have to tell her the truth. She deserves it.” She looked into my eyes with a frown on her face but after a while her features softened and she took my hand again.

“Tell her. I know you love her, as much as it’s still hurting but you gotta do it.” Michelle stood and grabbed her purse. “Call me with your schedule. And thanks for the muffin and all.” She kissed my cheek and left the coffee shop.

Deep down I knew she was right. It was wrong of me to keep something like this from Katie when I had sworn myself to tell her everything. Last time I kept something from her she had left for almost half a year and it was lucky that I had found her again; that she had taken me back even.

I had no idea what was happening to us. Even after we had talked about her unemployment and my annoyance the weird feeling in the pit of my stomach didn’t leave. Only when I was with Michelle I felt so carefree and happy like I used to first with her and then with Katie.

I remembered the bright smile on Katie’s face whenever she saw me. I remembered her hugging me out of the blue and surprising me with cookies or a small melody that would lead to one of my favorite solos of all time.

I missed those times a lot and it crushed my heart that I was seemingly unable to find it in me again, this deep and unconditional love. Right now I only existed next to Katie instead of sharing my life with her. It was taking its toll on me and I knew that Katie was suffering just as much. She was a very sensitive person when it came to vibes and emotions. It was just a matter of time until she would ask me straight what was going on.

With a heavy sigh I finished my cup of coffee and stood, grabbing my things. Walking to the door I tossed the empty paper cup into the trash and walked up to my car. I needed to clear my head; get rid of this mess inside of it. And what could be better than playing my heart out on my guitar?

Katie’s POV

I was walking along a quiet part of the beach with my bare feet in the cool water. I loved that feeling of the sand being swirled up by the waves and the white crest of them washing over my toes. It was somewhat calming my troubled mind that was occupied with so many thoughts and sorrows these days. More and more I felt the light of happiness inside of me fade under a dark shadow that was rising from a strange sort of fear in the pit of my stomach.

A happy yelp pulled me out of my wondering about the weird feelings inside of me. After the disaster of an interview I had been driving back home. Brian hadn’t been there to my surprise and disappointment. I felt miserable and needed a hug but the person who was supposed to give it to me wasn’t there. He didn’t even care to leave me a note about his whereabouts. What a wonderful boyfriend.

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