Chapter 7

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The next morning I was waking up to a tingling feeling on my neck and down to my collarbone. My first instinct was to get rid of it but when suddenly soft lips started to kiss my soft spot I knew immediately who it was and what was going on.

With my eyes still closed I let my hands travel their way up his arm and left side, feeling the irregularities of his wonderful skin. He shivered under my soft touch and I felt his goosebumps under my fingertips which made me smile. His lips moved up from my neck to my jaw until they finally found mine and started to take my breath away.

“This is the best good morning I have had in months.” I whispered still with my eyes closed as he moved back down to kiss and lightly nibble on my neck.

“It’s gonna get even better, baby.” Brian murmured against my skin before his tongue left a hot trail from my neck to my cleavage. “Didn’t I tell you about the rules in my bedroom?” He whispered while his hands travelled over my chest to my tummy where they started to push up my top.

“You mean … our … bedroom.” I finally opened my eyes and found him hovering over me. His hair was a mess and he still had the marks of the pillow creases on his left cheek but his eyes proved that he was wide awake. And hungry.

“Of course …” He smiled sweetly as he shifted his right leg between mine, letting me feel his excited friend on my thigh. It was such a turn on and according to that sudden spark in his eyes I knew he was seeing it in my own blue orbs. Brian knew what effect he had on me and he enjoyed teasing me about it. Especially in situations like this.

His hands kept stroking the soft skin of my tummy and sides, now making me shiver. His eyes kept burning into mine and didn’t miss the light blush that crept up my neck as he started to slowly rub himself against my thigh.

“What rules?” I whispered biting my bottom lip. He was playing a dangerous game considering that I was starved of his love and attention. Without saying a word he quickly freed me from my old shirt and panties – how in the world he did that, I had no idea, I wasn’t really paying attention.

“Number 1: No clothes in the bedroom.” His hands discovered my body carefully as if it was fragile and made of glass.

“Number 2?” I moaned not caring about any rules in that moment.

“There is no number 2.” And with that we spend the first morning in our shared home making love to one another like we had been separated for 10 years. It had certainly felt much like it.


The second time I woke up that day was due to the annoying sound of a ringing phone. Who in the world would call us now anyways? It was early in the morning … right?

I heard Brian groaning next to me. I guess he was just as annoyed as I was, and even just as lazy.

“Honey, it’s yours.” He mumbled pulling the sheets off of me.

“No, it’s yours.” I shivered cuddling back to him with my leg over his waist.

“No, it’s not.” He mumbled again and fell back asleep. He even started snoring. It was unbelievable! Growing more annoyed I started to roll back onto my side of the bed to get up and find the damn thing. But just as I slightly sat up the ringing stopped. Oh thank God and praise his name! With a relieved smile I fell back into my pillow and drifted back off into sleep.

Only to be woken up by the same sound two seconds later. Someone really tried to lose his head. I was getting not just annoyed but angry now. I just wanted it to stop. With a load groan I managed to sit up and scanned the room through my half-closed eyes. I found that the noise came from the back pocket of Brian’s jeans. Clenching my jaw I walked over to the pile of his clothes and picked up his pants. I carried them over to his sleeping form seeing how fast asleep he was. What a jerk! But I had an amazing idea. Walking into the bathroom I answered his phone.

Fairytale Gone Bad - {Synyster Gates - Book 2} -Where stories live. Discover now