Chapter 13

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 Brian's POV

I was afraid that my eyes would fall out of my skull. It was her. It was really her. Remembering what she had done to me and Katie, how she ripped us apart and left us with this huge scar that brought me to distrust my girlfriend, was like a slap in my face.

“I thought I had made it clear that I didn't want to see your face around here ever again!” I called over making the driver glare at me.

“I'm not here to cause any trouble ...” She replied in a tone that made me stop. It wasn't the nasty arrogant tone she used to have but in fact a rather gentle one. I was wondering what had happened that she talked to me like this and I got my answer when she came around the cab.

She was glowing. Her long blonde and light brown curls fell softly down her shoulders and her skin seemed soft like a feather. However her long summer dress couldn't hide it anymore. The reason why my ex-wife was so beautiful was growing under her heart: Michelle was pregnant.

My jaw was almost hitting the ground. Impossible. The last time I saw her was over half a year ago. She was slim and well-toned and now she looked like she was ready to pop.

“Hey boy, come help the lady with her bag.” The cabby glared at me. I shook my head to snap out of my wondering and obliged. I took her big duffle bag and offered her my arm but Michelle just smiled.

“Thanks but I'm good. I'm just not allowed to carry heavy stuff.” She smiled up at me. God, how I had missed this smile on her beautiful face.

“Then why did you pack half your wardrobe again?” I said making us both chuckle.

“Oh you know me. I can't ever decide.” We walked up to the house. “Is it ok when I come in for a bit? Val and Matt are still in Disneyland with River and I don't have a key to their house anymore.” She said softly, rubbing her belly. My fingertips tingled with the urge to touch it myself. Clearing my throat I looked up into her eyes and fumbled with my keys.

“Sure. You can stay until they are home and I can take you over there.” I smiled and opened the front door to let her in. With a smile she stepped inside holding up her beautiful dress so she wouldn't trip. I grabbed the bags and placed them at the bottom of the stairs before I joined her in the living room.

“Would you like something to drink?” I asked. It was the first thing that actually came to my mind. I didn't want to be rude and ask her about the baby and the father or whatever.

“Water would be amazing.” Michelle smiled. With a nod I left for the kitchen, my mind spinning. This was the Michelle I fell in love with in high school. This was the girl I had married. Seeing her like this made me miss the old days even more. We had been so great together. We used to know the other better than we knew ourselves. We had plans. We wanted a house, kids, a family on our own. But all that had vanished into thin air, leaving nothing but a fading shadow of the past and a bitter taste of what happened months ago.

I joined her on the big couch in my living room and handed her the glass of water. Thanking me with a smile she took a sip and then held it on top of her bump. Seeing her perfectly manicured fingers graze over it made my fingertips tingle again. I couldn't hold myself back and before my head could stop me I placed my hand onto Michelle's belly.

I looked up in her beautiful eyes as she put one of her hands on top of mine. She took it and placed it on the far left side of her tummy where I suddenly felt a small kick.

The feelings that exploded inside of me almost blew me away. The feeling of this little human inside her was somehow making my heart swell. It made me happy feeling the baby move. I didn't know why but I felt proud like I had never felt before.

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