Chapter 16

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Katie’s POV

I woke up to a bright light in a white room. The smell of disinfecting agents stung in my nose and I immediately knew where I was. I jerked up from the uncomfortable mattress feeling the urge to run away from this place. I hated hospitals.

“Hey sweetheart, take it easy.” I heard a deep voice and saw a tattooed hand on my arm. I looked up right into Jeremy’s concerned eyes.

“Why am I here?” I ignored his comforting touch and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. “Why am I in a hospital?”

“Woa, stop right there.”  Jeremy grabbed my shoulders to prevent me from getting up. “The doctor said you needed rest.”

“I won’t stay in here.” I pushed against him. My fear and dislike of hospitals was filling me up to a point where I just wanted to run and hide. “I’m not even sick. Let me go!” I pushed further but of course he was stronger. With his broad hands he managed to push me back into the pillow.

“You have a freaking concision so don’t tell me you are not sick.” He said really upset. His words made me stop fighting against him.

“I have what?”

“Yeah …” He lowered his hands, “You must have hit your head pretty severely. Not sure when though.” Jeremy muttered the last part while I tried to think of a situation that might have caused this mess right there. It didn’t take me long to think of the accident a week ago.

“Oh.” I simply said and looked up at him in surprise. “I guess I should have gone to the doctor sooner.” He looked up and frowned.

“What happened?” His eyes were full of concern. He even took my hand to squeeze it lightly. I was actually a little bit embarrassed but nevertheless I told him.

“It was nothing. You remember the discussion at Johnny’s, right? When Brian thought you and I were flirting?” He nodded, “Well, he tried to make me go home with him but I grew scared and ran to my car and sped off. I was drunk and scared out of my mind so I didn’t focus on the road. I almost ran over a red light and right into the traffic on the crossing street. I must have taken a severe blow to the head when it slammed onto the steering wheel as I hit the brakes too hard.”

“What?!” Jeremy jumped up. I was a bit intimidated that he cared so much.

“I’m … I’m sorry?” I asked carefully looking up at his upset face.

“You’re sorry? SORRY?!” I flinched at the harshness of his voice. With innocent eyes I watched him wiping a hand over his face. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves and started pacing.

“Jer, I swear …”

“Does he know?”


“Does Brian know about this accident?” His brown eyes burned into mine. My stomach grew into knots just imagining what he would say if he knew the truth.

“No. He …”

“Ugh, it’s getting better and better. Lucky I called him earlier.” He crossed his arms in front of his chest but now it was my time to call out in shock.

“What?! Why would you do that?!” I was about to jump off the bed but a small movement of him into my direction pushed me back into the pillow.

“He is your boyfriend.” Jeremy said matter-of-factly, “He sounded very upset and said he’d come as quick as possible.” He looked onto his phone to probably check the time but the frown on his face told me that it must have been a while since he made that call.

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