Chapter 17

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Brian’s POV

I couldn’t believe this was happening. I couldn’t believe that anything of this was happening. How did we come from being a very happy couple, so full of love, to … well to this? I was driving along Main Street, feeling so many things at once. I was hurt, confused, I felt alone and misunderstood. But over all I felt angry. So freaking angry that I wanted to beat the shit out of this guy who dared to touch, to even look at my sweet girl.

You don’t do stuff like that. You don’t go and steal another man’s girl away just like that. It’s bro-code. An unwritten law. Untouchable. Unbreakable. But there he was. Acting like the knight in shining armor. Ugh, I wanted to punch his face in. I wanted to hurt him so bad that he wouldn’t dare thinking of Katie in any way possible.

Shaking from that anger I decided to pull over. I pulled onto the parking lot of a random office building and stared straight out of the window. My fists were clenching the steering wheel, the knuckles turning white. My heart was racing in my chest. I could hear my blood rushing in my ears and I felt sort of breathless. Like I was choking on my anger and hurt.

Pictures of Katie and him where running through my mind. I didn’t even know if they were real. At this point I didn’t even care. I saw her smile at him, like she did in the hospital but happier. I saw him looking down at her so lovingly that it made me sick. His hands on her hips, her arms around his neck.

I have never felt such overwhelming jealousy in all my life before. Not even when I found out that Michelle cheated on me for a year straight. I had been disappointed and hurt but that was nothing compared to the mess I was now.

I didn’t want Katie to be with someone else but me. I didn’t want her to smile like this at anybody else. This smile of pure happiness and affection, like the person who received it was her sun, the air she breathed. It was supposed to be mine. She was mine.

This woman was the reason why I didn’t give up. She gave me hope and strength for my darkest days. Without her I wouldn’t be here. The loss of Jimmy and Michelle had left me empty. Alone and empty. Nightmares had been my constant companion.

But then Katie came into my life. I remember her coming into our dressing room with Ben and her friend leading the way. She seemed a bit out of it but her radiant smile when she saw Zacky took my breath away. Not to mention her obvious irritation when I introduced myself to her. It was so cute.

The anger slowly turned into a depressing sadness and soon I wiped tears from my cheeks with the back of my hand. What the hell was going on? I can’t cry. Not about something like this. I wanted to be angry. I wanted to hate. I wanted to hate her for making me so weak. But I couldn’t. I could never hate Katie.

The sudden ringing of my phone made me jump. Part of me hoped that it was Katie or even this guy Jeremy. But when I looked at the screen I saw that it was Zacky. With a heavy sigh and wiping my hand over my eyes I answered it.

“Hey man.”

“Hey Bri. How’s it going?” Zacky asked happily.

“It’s alright. How are you? You sound really happy. What’s up?” I leaned back in my car seat as I pressed the phone to my ear.

“Oh I’m just looking through the new photos Lind’s took for the website. Oh and she says hi.” I could hear Linds shouting my name in the background and the light chuckle of my best friend.

“Thanks man. Tell her back.” He did so and I heard him laugh at whatever Linds did, “Geez man, the hearts and cupids are flying through the phone.” I chuckled.

“Yeah, sorry man. I’m just so happy right now. She is perfect, man.”

“I’m happy for you, dude. Really.” I said meaning it but the tone of my voice just gave my current emotional state away. Zacky knew me too well to not pick up on it and somehow I was grateful for that.

Fairytale Gone Bad - {Synyster Gates - Book 2} -Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora