Chapter 22

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Katie’s POV

“Hey, Katie. It’s me, Val. I’m so sorry … I really am. I didn’t mean to keep it from you. I know it was wrong. Please call me, honey. I’m worried sick and … I love you.”

– Beep

“Babes, it’s Lacey! Val just told me. I’m so sorry we didn’t tell you. We thought it was best for you. Please, pick up the phone so we can talk about it. Love you, sweetie.”

– Beep

“Yo, mopy! This is probably the tenth time I’m calling you now and I’m getting annoyed. Move your butt and pick up! We gotta talk about shit; you can’t bottle this up. Think about your baby … *sigh* … I know it was wrong but … we love you, Katie … Oh and I told Zacky. Just so you know.”

– Beep

“Hey, sis. It’s me, Zacky. Linds told me what happened. Please call me back when you get this. I wanna help you, explain things. I miss you bunches.”

– Beep

“Hey, little one … you probably heard it a thousand times now but … I’m sorry. We all tried to make him tell you; in the end it was his story to tell. But he loves you, I swear to god, he does. It sucks that we have to go through this tour now but be sure, we are all with you. Talk to the girls. Val feels so bad for keeping it from you. Please, Katie … we love you … oh and … it’s Matt by the way.”

– Beep

“… I’m sorry, baby. I … I didn’t know how to tell you. You’ve been so happy and then the news of our baby … I miss you and I lov-“

That’s when I threw a pillow at the answering machine of our house phone. The whole station was knocked off the small table and fell rattling on the floor but I couldn’t care less. I was sick of their excuses and apologies that meant nothing. Especially Brian’s.

It’s been two days since I got to know that Michelle is back in town and he gave me a call just now. What in the world did I do to make him lie to me constantly, over and over again? I wasn’t a small girl with fragile feelings. I knew I had a temper but I could be really mature when I had to be. But right now it was my right to be upset, disappointed, hurt, angry and over all stubborn.

I didn’t give a second thought about picking up any of the phones. I didn’t even check my e-mails or social media. Instead I was sitting or lying on the couch cuddled up to my Pinkly staring out of the huge French doors to the garden or to watch the sky.

Of course my thoughts were running crazy in my head. I didn’t understand why they would keep something like this from me. Michelle might have separated Brian and me for a while but we got back together. We were now expecting our first child. Yes, she hurt me by turning my boyfriend away from me but he came back right? He loved me and not her. Besides she was Val’s twin sister, River’s aunt and somehow part of the Avenged family; at least she used to be. What did they expect me to do when I found out? Ambush her to claw her eyes out? That has never been my style. Physical scars could heal. An ego crushed by ignorance and/or guilty conscience was so much more affective and lasted for a life time.

But I wasn’t sure how I would have reacted to the news if I had known from the start. I only knew that right now I was hurt and disappointed in the people I called friends and family. Everyone knew. Everyone. I must have looked so ridiculous and pathetic in my naïve happiness, believing nothing could go wrong this time.

Wiping small tears off my cheeks I sat up and took a sip of the tea I had made for myself. I hated moping and this feeling of being betrayed. And although I didn’t want to talk to anyone I had to agree with them all: My baby should be my main concern.

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