Chapter 11

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I was sitting in the shade wearing my sun hat and sun glasses with a huge cup of hot tea in my hands while I watched Lindsay shooting photos of A Day To Remember for the next cover of the new Rocksound magazine. My head was pounding from last night, and not only due to the amount of alcohol I had consumed.

“Ok guys, take 5 and change into the other outfit. Then we finish this off.” Lindsay said smiling and the boys went to the dressing tent. She came over to me and the table next to me with her Macbook and lenses.

“How are you feeling, sweetie?” She asked me softly. Looking up into her smiling face I couldn’t help but let out a small sob.

“Confused and hurt. Basically like shit.” I sighed and played with the plastic cap of my cup.

“Honey, what’s wrong?” She knelt down in front of me with her hands on my knees which she rubbed lightly.

“Brian didn’t come home last night.” I whispered and Lindsay gasped.

“Oh no. Because of …”


“Oh honey, I’m sure he’ll come back around. I’m sure he just needed to cool it off. He’ll be back home waiting for you, you’ll see.” She said smiling but her words felt empty and missed their purpose of comforting me.

When she got back to work I sat there staring into space and remembered what had happened the night before.


“Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug!” The girls cheered me on as I downed the last half of my Long Island Iced Tea. Under their hooting and hollering I slammed the empty glass back on the table and threw my arms up in the air in victory.

We had been at Johnny’s for two hours now. With a good amount of alcohol in our system already the girls and I had ordered a high number of cocktails. We had fun dancing and making the guys in the bar gawk at us. I had to admit that their lustful looks felt great after Brian being an on/off-lover for the past week.

I felt very light headed but didn’t give a damn about it. I wanted to have some fun tonight and forget about the shit going on at home. Because deep down in the pit of my stomach I had the weird feeling that something bad was going to happen, although Brian had sent me off with his sweet lips all over my body.

Val brought us some beers to calm down for a bit. We chatted and talked about anything and everything and of course the baby subject was coming up again. I sat there sipping on my beer trying to stay out of the discussion when Lindsay decided to ask again about Brian’s and my baby plans.

“I told you, we haven’t talked about it yet. God, why can’t we just enjoy our time without a screaming poop-machine?” I growled annoyed. Due to the amount of alcohol that was in our system our emotions were out of control.

“Excuse me? What is your problem? It was just a fucking question.” Lindsay said with a frown on her face.

“My fucking problem is you guys bugging me about this stupid subject.” I finished off my beer and stood. “Excuse me.” I spat and made my way to the restroom. It was hard to walk on my heels with my head spinning. Before I could reach my destination I bummed into someone and was about to fall but strong arms caught me just in time.

“Woa, careful gorgeous.” I looked up and stared into beautiful green-brown eyes with a few winkles around them from the dazzling smile that beamed down at me.

“Thank you, and I’m sorry. I didn’t see you.” I apologized weakly and still held onto his toned arms.

“Oh that’s quite alright, beautiful. I was about to leave but you just made me stay a while longer.” The stranger winked at me and I couldn’t help but blush. Before I could say anything though I heard someone call my name. I turned my head that was still spinning and saw a fuming Brian push through the crowd to get to us.

Fairytale Gone Bad - {Synyster Gates - Book 2} -Where stories live. Discover now