Chapter 23

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ATTENTION: This chapter contains vulgar language and moments full of pain and grief. Handle with caution!


Katie’s POV

When I came home hours later I had somewhat recovered from the first shock. Not telling me of Michelle’s return was one thing but Michelle being back AND pregnant with my boyfriend’s child was a whole other story.

I was so angry at him, no, I was raging. Brian promised me honesty over and over again back in Germany. He promised me he would be with me forever. But since I moved in with him I’ve come to know so many lies and half told stories it was giving me a headache.

Clutching my pounding temples I slowly walked in our living room. I needed to calm down, my peanut needed me to. So I went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water. I grabbed one from the shelf and with taking deep and steady breaths to calm my aching heart I filled it with water. I took a few sips and leaned against the counter, closing my eyes. I listened to my body hearing my beating heart but also the words Brian whispered in my ear before he left for tour.

“I love you.”

“You’re my life.”

“The most important and most beautiful person in my life.”

“I need you.”

“I love you.”

“I love you.”

“I love you.”

With a scream from the top of my lungs I smashed the glass with its content into the sink. As it shattered into a million pieces with water spilling everywhere the world around me stopped. There was just me and this unbelievable pain from my heart. I smashed everything my hands could get a hold of, turning the kitchen into a complete and utter mess.

With bloody hands and with my body shaking I came to the living room. Tears clouded my vision but I could see the photos of our happy moments, his guitars, our movie and music collection, everything. This was one of my favorite rooms of the house. We only spent more time in our bedroom. With another wave of pain and hate I wiped the framed photographs off the table, along with plants and stuff that was lying around. I even went so far to throw his favorite acoustic guitar into the cabinet with our DVDs and CDs.

I had blacked out completely, raging around the house like a madman, destroying everything that reminded me of our happy times. When I gained control over my senses again I found myself in our bedroom. I looked at myself in the mirror of our wardrobe and saw my bloodshot eyes, my hair and clothes a mess, my hands bloody from several cuts. But I didn’t feel pain looking at them. It was more a tingling feeling, like a tickle and so different from the pain in my chest.

Suddenly the phone on Brian’s nightstand was ringing. In trance I got up and grabbed it, only to sit down again as I answered it.

“Baby?” I heard Brian’s worried voice. He sounded concerned and spoke carefully into his end of the line. But I didn’t care to say anything. I couldn’t; I felt like I was paralyzed.

“Baby, it’s me … I … Val called Matt and he told me what happened. About Michelle … Katie, I’m so sorry. I swear, I didn’t know. One day she stood in front of me with her 7 months pregnant belly … God, Katie, I can’t lose you. Ever. I swear, baby, I will change. I will talk to you more and … and and I will never see her again. I don’t want to do anything with her and that baby. It’s only you, me and our peanut. Please … I love you so much … I-“

“Do you even know the meaning of these words?” I cut off his speech disturbingly calm.

“Of course I do. Babe, I know I have been the most stupid ass in the world but I promise you-“

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