Chapter 27

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Katie’s POV

“Ok, you got everything?” Linds asked me while I packed the last one of my things into my suitcase.

“Yes. I’m ready … I guess.” I sighed looking down at my clothes and zipped up my suitcase. Our flight from Vegas to Los Angeles was leaving in a couple of hours. I wasn’t really looking forward to going back home but I knew that I couldn’t run away from Brian and the truth for too long. At some point I had to face him and it was about to happen in a few hours.

Lacey had told us that the boys were back from their tour that was cut short because of family issues. Brian seemed too upset after our conversation a.k.a. fight over the phone that he couldn’t concentrate on playing the shows. So they decided to come back home that we could settle our differences.

Just great. Now I was the bad guy for having a fight with Brian, making him upset which led to the fans get disappointed. I knew how much the guys hated doing that and here I was, the impersonated reason of “Avenged Sevenfold-fans disappointed”.

Plus, Val was still mad at me. It’s been two days since the incident at the restaurant and Val and I hadn’t exchanged a word ever since. She was convinced that Jeremy wanted to pull me away from Brian, which made me really upset. He was my friend and just taking care of me.

Yes, there were moments when I thought and felt not only a deep friendship but also a strong attraction towards him. But other than little teenage girls I knew that these feelings came from a broken and lonely heart. It was a physical attraction, not an emotional one.

It hurt that Val thought I’d sleep with Jeremy just because I was going through a very rough time with my boyfriend right now. I loved Brian, I loved him a lot. Why did no one trust me with having male friends?

In silence I pulled on a light cardigan and my sunglasses and then followed the girls to the elevator. We had a wonderful week in Vegas that ended so abruptly and it was apparently my fault. That’s why I decided to shut up and to keep to myself. Anything I said was going to be used against me anyways.

We took a cab to the airport and walked up to the cue in front of the check-in. The longer we waited the more nervous I got. My stomach felt weird and I was scared of my reaction when I saw Brian again. Pondering over possible things to say I suddenly heard someone call my name.

“Katie! Katie … wait!” My head snapped up and I recognized Jeremy. A small smile lit up my face.

“Not that idiot again …” I heard Val mutter under her breath. We glared at one another as she went ahead to check herself and her luggage in. Being the last I turned to my friend and smiled.

“Hey big guy.” He wrapped his strong arms around me for a hug that drowned me.

“You can’t leave without saying goodbye.” Jeremy muttered as he buried his face in my hair. Brian used to do that too …

“I sent you a text …” I said innocently as he reluctantly let go of me. Something was different about him but I couldn’t place my finger on it.

“How thoughtful. I thought after … you know, our talk, you’d want to say goodbye in person.” He seemed a little hurt. I hugged him again tightly.

“I’m sorry, Jer. I had a lot on my mind.” I felt his broad hands rubbing my back soothingly. He gave me a feeling of comfort; I was safe with him.

“Next, please.” The friendly lady at the desk called out but I couldn’t get myself to let go of Jeremy.

“I’m scared.” I whispered looking up at him.

Fairytale Gone Bad - {Synyster Gates - Book 2} -حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن