Behind the Scenes

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JoJo, Ry Ry and I were laughing so hard on the way to the shoot that I almost forgot I was going there. JoJo parked the car and I felt a sudden cold rush go down my body. I sat in my seat and didn't move.

JoJo popped her head into the car "Meghan are you ok, you seem a little frozen?" Ryan laughed "I am fine" I said as I got out of the car. "I just thought I remembered something but it doesn't matter". "Ok well let's go" JoJo said pushing me along to my dressing room van.

My makeup and hair took forever which made it worse because it gave me more time to think about "him".

I was sitting with JoJo talking when Charlie came in.

"Meghan you look wow" he said all flushed "so do you" I couldn't resist. I heard JoJo giggle at me. I gave her a sharp look which made her giggle even more. "They are ready" he said as he put out his hand to help me up. I grabbed it feeling a sensation run through me. Our eyes meet for a slight moment but then I broke the chain and looked down.

We made it to the hall where we were filming the video. I could here school kids on their way to class. We had done so well making the video that they decided to add a little kiss at the end.

"Meghan are you ok with this" Charlie asked "well it isn't our first time" I joked referring to when we first recorded the song, he just smiled at me. I felt so stupid.

I was really nervous for the kiss because it was in front of almost 40 people. I grabbed his neck and felt my heart beat speed up as our lips touched. We pulled away and smiled at each other. It was a sensational smile I had never seen before.

I sat in the van wiping off some of the makeup when I heard a knock on the door. "Oh hey Char Char" "hey MTrain, do you want to go get some pizza with me?" I turned to him with a smile on my face.

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