Silence can break a heart

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Charlie and I  hadn't spoken for days yet all I could think about was him, how he looked at me, how he had to kiss me more than five times in front of forty people and his parents, how his touch made me get goosebumps and how I had to hide my feelings for him.

It was the day before the Marvin Gaye video was set to be released and I heard my phone buzz on my bedside table.

The name Char Char ❤️ sat there lighting up my screen with a small message underneath...... Hey MTrain.

I took a deep breathe and swiped my finger across the screen, wait I didn't want him to know I saw it yet it was to late it would have said read. Damn it.

"Hey Char"  I replied. "Do you wanna come over we should discuss any live performances if Marvin Gaye" "ok be there in 30 minutes" "cool c'ya then".

"Ryan I am going out for a bit" I said to my brother as I walked down the stairs. "Cool see ya sis".

I got in my car and drove to Charlie's place thinking about what he wanted to say to me.

'Knock knock'

"Hey" he said opening the door. "Make yourself at home" "thanks". I sat on his leather couch and he sat on the one opposite of me. We sat there awkwardly for a moment.

"So the video comes out tomorrow" I said breaking the silence before it broke a heart. "Yeah, pretty exciting" he added as I nodded my head. "So Meghan maybe we should ask our publicist and managers to get us some live performances to promote the song" I nodded. He kept talking busy for about ten minutes and it was secretly driving me mad.

"Charlie shut up for one second about business" his mouth shut immediately and his eyes were wide. "I feel strange ever since that incident" he looked at me with loving eyes which made me burst into tears.

I felt his hand go across my arm and he walked over to me and sat down hugging me.

"I don't know what's wrong with me" I cried, he tried to calm me down but my emotions were getting to me.  "Meghan don't worry it wasn't that big as it isn't in the news therefor nobody saw it" he tried to reassure me. "Charlie that's not it" I said "what is it then?" "I can't love you anymore" "Meghan what is wrong with you?" "Every time I see or think of you I feel something strange and I can never stop thinking about you" I cried my breathe hard. "Meghan that is the same feeling I have towards you and you can't feel it towards any body else" I looked up at him as he wiped the tears from my face. "What is it then?" I asked already knowing the answer. "I think you know what it is MTrain". He grabbed me close and pulled me in to kiss my lips but before I could think I pulled myself away running out crying whilst getting into my car. He ran after me but I drove off.

That night he wouldn't stop texting me.  Yet I never replied.

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