The Run

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We rushed to put our clothes back on.
"Quick find something to disguise yourself the glass tinting won't fully cover your gorgeous face" he said to me smiling yet with a rushed voice. "I grabbed a pair of sunnies out of my bag and I saw that JoJo had left her cap in my bag. I put them on pulling hair over my face. Charlie put a cap on which hid his beautiful hair perfectly. He slowly reversed out of the ally way confusing the paparazzi. They started to walk away thinking we weren't who we were. Then as Charlie backed into the street one saw a glimpse of his face and they started to run after us. Charlie speed off. The paparazzi couldn't keep up.

"Charlie we can't tell anyone about this, remember if they ask including your closet family just say we are friends so if they bring up this incident we can say it isn't true" I said looking at him. His face was tense. "Charlie what's wrong, you are acting funny" he didn't say anything. "Char" I began to say but he cut me off "Meghan please" he hesitated looking at me. "Meghan, I am sorry that was wrong of me to lash out on you like that" he said so sincerely. I looked at him and leaned on him. It wasn't fair we should be able to go around our day in a normal way that every other couple did. "Charlie can you take me home" I frowned. He looked at me. "Of course" he said.

We arrived and sat in the car on the driveway for a while not saying a thing. It felt like forever.

"Meghan" I looked up at him pretending I didn't feel how awkward it was. "Just promise me you are ok" "I am fine Char honestly" he looked at me unconvinced. "Look" I hesitated his eyes were wide and sad. I leaned in and kissed his lips. I pulled back getting out of the car. "Thanks boo for the ride, don't forget you have to give me that title" I joked shutting the door.

I felt sick as if something had been taken from me or something was missing and it started after the paparazzi came into place.

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