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Meghan's Pov:

I walk into a room filled with people either clapping or saying my name. So many familiar faces yet not one of them Charlie. JoJo who drove Ryan and I here left me to go talk to some of her other friends. I stood there uncomfortably.

"MTrain" I heard a voice from behind me and straight away I knew it was Charlie. I turned around and looked at him. "You look nice" "and you look pretty handsome yourself" I added.

"So, do you remember we meet at a party" he smiled "which both of us weren't going to go to" I smiled back. "Aghh there is that beautiful smile I have been missing" as he said this my smile remained yet my eyes grew darker and more gloomy. "Meghan what's up" he sounded like he wanted me to go and talk with him privately. "Can we go talk" he nodded at me. I looked around at everyone starring at us and added "privately".

We walked to an extra room and sat down on the couch.

He held my hand and we started straight into each other's eyes.

"Charlie, I told you I couldn't love you but that isn't possible" his face grew less tense. "I can't not love you Charlie" he grabbed my other hand. "I need you in my life". The room grew still and silent.

I looked down yet our hands remained clenched together. I was so embarrassed at myself for saying that as I believed he didn't feel the same.

"Meghan" I looked up at him. "I have been so worried about you" his face was glowing in the light. "I am so happy to see your ok" I looked away thinking he didn't love me. "But" he said yet was interrupted to the door being rattled by someone trying to open it.

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