The visit

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"Meghan where are you going" I said hoping into the passenger seat of my car. "Charlie I told you I think I might know where my phone is" and with that she started the car.

We drove in silence for around fifteen minutes. Her face was tensed and determined yet all in all she still looked gorgeous. I just loved her to much.

She slammed on the breaks and my mind left it's fantasy.

She ran out of the car.

"Meghan why are we at Selena's house?" "I think she has my phone Charlie" she admitted pressing the doorbell.

This was going to be trouble.

Selena opened the door and was about to say something offensive to Meghan until she saw me.

"Hey guys come in" she smiled hugging us. "What's going on, how is life?" Meghan clearly hated the situation and wanted to get out so Selena was trying to keep her there longer making her more and more uncomfortable.

"It's fine" Meghan smiled. She was a lovely person and even though she and Selena were going through something didn't mean she wouldn't be herself and be a bitch. "Great" added Selena facing towards me until Meghan added "Selena can I ask you a question?" "You just did" she said laughing at her own joke. Meghan's face was blank.

"Anyway I think I left my phone in the restaurant the other night, did you happen to pick it up by any chance?"

"Yes I did" Selena said clapping her hands together and walking away. She returned with Meghan's phone and for the first time in a while I saw then truly smile at each other.

We sat and ate some nachos discussing what we wanted to do with our future careers. I thought Selena was over me because she was barley talking to me and always adding Justin into every conversation we had. I was glad because Selena was a really good friend to me and I didn't want to change that.    

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