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Charlie's Pov:

She was so made at me, I had forgot her for Selena, I left her abandoned, she hated me, I let her go yet she said she loved me and now I was watching her smiling and laughing with Justin Bieber. How could I win her heart back over him, he had everything.

Selena stood next to me and she was clearly annoyed. Then I remembered Justin was her ex.

Meghan was laughing so hard and eventually she hugged him really tight and started to walk away. I saw Justin check out her ass and I immediately felt like I wanted to punch  him.

I flinched and Selena looked at me with a face of warning which sent me the message that he was trouble.

He walked over to us smiling.
"Selena" he said pulling her into a hug. She hugged him back but then pushed him away. I could feel the tension.

"Your Charlie Puth right, the one who has see you again?" He asked and then he looked at Selena adding "and Marvin Gaye the hit with that little hottie I was just talking to" the jealousy grew in her face. "Yeah" I replied.

"Well count yourself lucky mate to be able to have her in your life because if you don't snatch her up soon I will" he said patting my back and walking off.

Selena all of a sudden looked scared and lost.

Selena's Pov:

Justin was willing to snatch up Meghan like that and that wasn't ok with me. I still had feelings for him yet I really liked Charlie. Either way Meghan would get one of them and I would loose. I couldn't let that happen. I had to think fast.

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