Party and a piece of spark

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A/N: The dress Nikki is going to the party in is up top.

"You look beautiful!" Sarah said as she looked over her work. Nikki was wearing a beautiful pink-peach colored dress that sparkled. She smiled looking at her reflection in the mirror. Sarah had let Nikki's beautiful black hair down just the way she liked it. Her makeup was perfect. Mascara that made her eyes shine. A small amount of grey eyeshadow to make her Blue eyes as if they were glowing. a touch of eyeliner. She had a beautiful tan and a makeup shiner that made her face smooth and made it shine.

"Wow." Nikki said happily. Lennox walked in and laughed.

"Woah! Hello my beautiful wife." Lennox said spinning his wife around and kissing her." And my beautiful Comrade." Lennox kissed Nikki on the top of her head. They smiled. Nikki and Lennox were close like she said. He was like a big brother. So don't get any ideas!

"Are we ready for the party?" Lennox asked

"I do believe so!" Sarah said linking arms with Nikki and smiling. They got into the car. Nikki in the back and Lennox and Sarah in the front.

"There is going to be a lot of high class people there Nikki so don't be intimidated. You know, people like generals and the president." Lennox stated laughing.

"Uhh pa-lease. I can handle them!" Nikki said smiling.

"If not she'll definitely knock em dead with her looks." Sarah said smiling.

"Awww your so sweet but I don't look half as good as you Sarah." Nikki said gesturing to her beautiful dazzling black dress that had shone in the light. They all laughed excited for the party.

The car pulled into the drive and the humungous gates of the building came into view. Lennox pulled out his ID and they opened the huge gates without hesitation. Lennox pulled in.

As the three made their way through the crowd of people Nikki couldn't stop thinking about Optimus. When would he be here? What would he think of her look? Would he be to busy talking to the other leaders of earth to notice her? So many questions popped into her head. Lennox and Sarah were busy having a conversation with General Morshower and Nikki decided to take a look around. She the spotted Charles and his date.

"Charles! I never knew you had a girlfriend! She's so beautiful!" Nikki smiled holding her hand out for the woman to shake. The woman smiled sweetly and gratefully took Nikki's hand.

"Hi my names Nikki. I'm a friend of this trouble maker." Nikki laughed.

"It's nice to meet you Nikki! I've heard so much! My name is Kara!" Kara said enthusiastically.

"Well as much as I would love for you ladies to chat.... I do believe I gotta get Kara to the dance floor." Charles set his drink down and wiggled his eyebrows at Kara. She laughed as he pulled her away. Nikki smiled.

Then things got quiet. Everything stopped as a spotlight headed for the entrance. The Autobots had arrived. The crowd parted as they clapped and the Autobots (in their holoforms) made their way onto the stage.

"Autobots we thank you for your service in defending the our world from evil and we hold this party in your names. We do sincerely hope you accept these metals of our gratitude." A general spoke into microphone. Optimus's eyes searched the crowd scanning for Nikki. He reverted his eyes from the crowd when the general came up and placed the metal on his suit. He shook hands with the general and the Autobots made their way off stage.

Nikki pushed through the crowd looking for Optimus. "Excuse me,pardon me." Optimus said trying to get through the crowd. Then he saw her. She was so stunning. He stared in shock at her beauty. Then a general cut in front of him and started a long conversation about decepticons. He sighed. He nodded and after a while he finally said. "Excuse me one of the other generals has asked for me." Optimus lied easily. Optimus couldn't see Nikki anymore and he sighed in defeat until "Hey big guy. You do know those women over there are looking dreamt for you." Optimus smirked.

"Well too bad because I have the best of those women yet." Optimus swept around and grabbed Nikki around the waist kissing her. He pulled back.

"Primus, you are gorgeous." He breathed.

"And you my sweetspark are devastatingly handsome." She smiled. Optimus pulled her onto the dance floor and they started to dance to the slow music just like at her birthday only this time they weren't in skin tight shirts and jeans. They were in suits and a beautiful elegant dress.

"I have a surprise for you." Optimus said happily.

"Ooh I like surprises." Nikki bit her lip.

"Come on." Optimus pulled her through the crowd and lead her into a garden where there was no one. They sat down on a concrete bench by the beautiful lit up sprinklers that were watering the pink roses. Nikki sighed at the pretty smell. Optimus pulled out a case. It was bigger then ring box. Probably a necklace. He opened it and pulled out a necklace with a glowing blue diamond in the middle of the necklace loop. Nikki gasped. It was actually glowing. (Necklace up top)

"Optimus this-this is beautiful." She hugged him as he hugged her tight. He smiled. He took the necklace and put in around her neck clipping the small clip in the back.

"Here's another surprise. The rock you see in the middle is a small piece of my spark." He said gesturing to his chest. "As long as it glows you know that Im in deep love with you and I will know that you are in love with me. If one of us fails to love or if we will lose its glow."

"You don't EVER have to worry about that." She said grabbing him in a Kiss. "But didn't it hurt? Cutting off a piece of your heart has to be extremely painful." Nikki asked.

"For me pain is only a feeling when it comes to you." He said in his deep baritone voice. Nikki smiled as she rested her forehead against his.

"I love you." Nikki smiled.

A/N: soooooo? How was that?

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