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"Do you think you can bring him back to life with that pixie dust?" Simmons asked Sam doubtfully.

"Absolutely," Sam said as Mikaela and him walked past them. Nikki stopped next to Simmons and Leo. Bumblebee started up his engines along with the twins. He sped off his wheels slinging sand as the twins followed in pursuit.

"Alright, how are we going to find them?" Simmons asked. Everyone paused to think about this.

"That's got to be them," Sam said pointing at a flare in the sky.

Nikki looked back out the window shield and felt her eyes get huge as out of nowhere missiles came straight at them.

Mikaela and Nikki screamed as Bee swerved around the missiles that came down around them.

"Whoa!" Sam yelled.Bee swerved right as a missile landed next to them causing dirt to go everywhere giving us cover as they drove through a cloud of dust.

"Oh god, please! I don't want to die!" Leo said desperately from the back.

"Oh, stop freaking out," Mikaela rolled her eyes at him as the missiles stopped getting launched at them.

"God please!" Leo begged as he still understandably, but annoyingly, freaked out.

"Shut this guy up," Simmons said exasperated.

"Please just let me live! Just let me live!" Leo cried out.

"Stop acting like a little girl," Nikki snapped at him as She glanced back at him again.

"Shut up!" Mikaela snapped as Leo continued relentlessly.

"Would you just shut up!" Sam joined in as they all snapped at Leo.

"Alright that's it!" Simmons yelled as he pulled out a taser and tased Leo in the neck.

"OW OW OW!" Leo cried out in pain before he passed out. Nikki stared at Simmons with a 'really?' Look.

"Can't take that guy anymore," Simmons grumbled as he shook his head exasperated.Bee turned left around a hill of dust and dirt.

"Whoa whoa!" Sam panicked as another missile landed next to the group.

The Decepticon shooting at them transformed as it flew in the sky and landed behind them. It started shooting again and the missiles landed on the left side of Bee as he steered clear of the lousy shots.

"Stay in the dust!" Simmons recommended as Bee and the twins stayed in the cover of dust that missiles had provided them. Bee quickly sped up out of the dust and turned past another hill of dirt and sand.

Bee pulled to a stop and the group quickly piled out of him.

We got to split up," Sam ordered as everyone got out of Bee. "Bumblebee, you're the decoy. You lead the Decepticons away from us. I got to get to Optimus."

"I'll help draw their fire with huey and dewey there," Simmons said motioning to the twins. "You get to those soldiers. I hope that dust works kid."

Nikki huffed as Sam, Mikaela, and Her ran down a sand dune towards the city or rather ruins where another flare had been given off into the sky. They rushed into an old Egyptian building that had pillars rather than doorways. Nikki bent over and watched as Sam stopped a moment for him and Mikaela to catch their breath. Nikki was taught by N.E.S.T to control her breathing ,that way she was able to go miles before stopping.

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