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"Look let's go over the clue again. Nikki,what was it?" Simmons asked her.

"When the dawn alights the Dagger's Tip, the Three Kings will reveal the doorway."

"Do you know what it means?" Simmons asked. No One spoke up.

Bee slowed down as they came up to a checkpoint.

"Oh my god, oh my god, checkpoint!" Leo freaked out from the back. "I don't have my passport!"

"Leo, shut it!" Mikaela and Nikki snapped at him. Bee stopped as they came up to the gate. There was a few soldiers down by the gate and a couple up in the little tower they have to watch people as they come up.

"Shit, guys they have cameras," Nikki ducked to hide her face.

"Alright, this is espionage time," Simmons said as a small soldier guy came down the stairs. "I can handle them these are my people. I'm one thirty sixth Arab."

Nikki sighed aggressively rolling her eyes.

"A frickin' munchkin," Wheelie said as he leaned between the seats, "Little people are mean. Tell him he's tall." Nikki laughed and patted wheelies head.

"Eh, Daggar's Tip," Simmons said making a hand motion like a tip, "Egypt and Jordan. We wanna go there. Me and my family. This is my family."

Simmons motioned toward Leo and Sam, "Those are my sons and that's my daughter and my other lovely daughter."

"Awe your so kind." Nikki said looking at Simmons. Maybe he wasn't so bad.

"We're tourists from New York," Simmons explained. The little guy looked excited.

"New York?" he said surprised. He pointed down the road, "Fifty kilometers."

"Thank you," Simmons said as the gate moved up so that we could pass through.

"Go Yankees!" he said.

Shh, undercover yo," Skids said as he walked like he was a spy, "you gotta blend in with your surroundings. Be part of the landscape. Ow!"

Skids cried out as he ran into Bee's leg. Bee looked at him aggravated.

They hurried to the doors of the building built around the lower part of the pyramid.

"Awesome," Simmons said as he looked up at the pyramid, "I think aliens built that. Yeah. Come on, move it!"

Simmons hurried us inside of it. Sam stopped at the doors.

"Hey, guard us, okay?" Sam asked Bee. "Low profile. Don't make a scene."

"Yeah, some of us got work to do here!" Wheelie said, "Stupid Autobots."

Nikki kicked wheelie. "Sorry my foot slipped." She smirked as wheelie got back up. "And you don't help at all."Bumblebee chuckled and gave Nikki a thumbs up.

"Hey," Wheelie defended himself as She closed  the door to the pyramid thing. He followed Nikki as She walked after everybody. "I help! You wouldn't be here if I hadn't freakin' showed you where to find that crazy old robot!"

"We would have figured it out," Nikki shrugged.

"Alright, so what do we know?" Sam started off.

"We know that the three kings will show us the doorway at dawn at the Daggar's Tip," Simmons relayed the information of what they knew.

"We're already at the Daggar's Tip, so now we need to figure out who or what the three kings are," Mikaela explained thoughtfully.

"Alright, we're all tired. I think we should all get a good night's rest," Simmons said as he got up. "Goodnight everyone. Sam and Mikaela you two can sleep up here. Leo and Nikki you're with me."

Leo and Nikki followed Simmons. They all settled down next to each other. Nikki had her back leaned against Leo's shoulder and Leo sat next to Simmons.  "Let's hope Mikaela and Sam aren't going to get to busy down there." Simmons and Leo laughed at Nikki's comment.

Nikki stared up at the sky as she heard Simmons say, "Nikki i know you miss Optimus right now but we'll do our very best to bring him back."

"Thanks Simmons that makes me feel much better." She huffed a laugh. "Much better." She repeated. Leo yawned along with Simmons and slowly the 2 started to sleep. Nikki couldn't sleep though. She had been having trouble. Usually she had fallen asleep with Optimus in his Holoforms arms. And no they hadn't had sex.....yet. It just didn't feel right falling asleep while her boyfriends cold body was lying somewhere waiting to be revived. She stared at the stars and she got up. She decided she would take a walk. She jumped down landing in a crouch to avoid hurting her ankles. She started to walk when she past bumblebee and the other 2. She sighed and sat down in the cool sand just on a dune away from the place she had been previously.

She enjoyed the cool air that swept her hair gently on her face. She smiled and as remembered Her and Optimus's first kiss. It had been Shen she ran off during their dance because he had mentioned Elita-1 becoming his sparkmate. Her smile continued to tug at her lips as she recalled hearing his words, "I want you to be mine." She felt the breeze sweep over her as she related those words over and over again in her head. It was a moment of peace. The first since Optimus's death. Here she was on top of a dune overlooking rows and rows of sand,feeling the cool breeze at night and watching the stars as they twinkled. She sighed and took a deep relaxing breath.

"Nikki?" She jumped at her name being called softly.

"Bee? You should get some recharge." Nikki said calmly. She relaxed from her tense state.

"Me? You haven't slept in 2 days." Bee laughed plopping down next to her. He leaned his head on her shoulder. Bumblebee and Nikki were now like brother and sister. Every time one was down the other would pick them back up. It almost saddened Nikki to say that she had grown more close to bee then she had Sam and she only knew him 2 years and Sam her whole life. She leaned her head on his.

"What's bothering you?" Bee asked concerned.

"Nothing I'm just ready to get Optimus back." She sighed. "Aren't you?"

"Yes very much so. Without him us autobots are nothing." Bumblebee said. "Ironhide would probably take over and cous K you imagine what his messages to the out reaches of space to contact other autobots would sound like?" He laughed

"My name is Ironhide and I send this message to any remaining autobots out there...we are here waiting for help." Bumblebee mocked. Nikki burst out laughing

"Ohhh that would be pretty funny." She giggled.

"He'll be back before you know it." Bee said. "Now in the mean time..." He picked Nikki up and slung her over his shoulder. "You are going to sleep in my alt mode." Nikki laughed. Bee set her down and she crawled into the back seat. He crawled into the drivers seat. Nikki yawned and laid down. She was going to get Optimus back. No matter the cost.

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