Ruscue ended tragically

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"Whoa!" Sam yelled as another shot was fired. He jumpe Dover the book rails and onto the lights. The idiot. What good was that gonna do?

Leo fell on the ground as Sam fell off the lights. Called it again!

"Run!" Leo screamed.

"I'm getting really tired of you yelling things we already know to do IN.MY.EAR!!" Nikki snapped and glared at Leo.

"Mikaela!" Sam yelled as Leo and her ducked down beneath a table across from Sam and Nikki. "Come on, Nikki!" He said grabbing her arm.

Nikki and Sam crawled underneath a different table but Nikki knew all to well that it wouldn't do them any damn good.

Another shot from the freak, caused more book shelves to collapse over the tables Sam and Nikki were crawling beneath. Leo and Mikaela appeared next to Nikki as they crawled. They ran out from beneath the tables and to the wall as they all sat against the wall. More shots were going everywhere nonstop causing paper the fall all around them.

"Wow Sam there look." Nikki said pointing to the full on robot that used to be the slut. "You think mom and dad will approve?" She said sarcastically. Sam glared. "Shut up!"

"This way!" Leo yelled as they followed Sam and him through a tunnel away from the library. People were all around them screaming and yelling, which wasn't making things any better.

"Oh shit. Mikaela wheelie!" Nikki remixed her.

"Crap!" Nikki and Mikaela ran off towards the dorm. Sam screamed desperately for them to come back. He hated seeing his sited and his girlfriend just run off into danger.

"I got em'" Nikki said picking up the case. He was demanding rights and crap. Not the best time.

"Let's go." Nikki said and they ran out. Leo ran it o Mikaela and wheelie said, "watch where your goin pin head!"

The 3 of them ran out to see Sam panicking. Geez so Leo came in after them while her brother stayed out here panicking. Maybe she was wrong about Leo.

Mikaela ran up to one of the cars in the parking lot and jumped in. Sam hopped into the passenger seat while Leo and Nikki got into the backseat.

Mikaela pulled the wires up from beneath the steering wheel and hot wired the car.

"Oh my god, you know how to hotwire a car?" Leo said shocked, "That is so hot!"

Nikki glared and pointed to Sam. "Know how Sam was talking about having a girlfriend. That's her!" She snapped.

"Sh-she's right there!" Sam said freaking out and pointing out the window. Nikki looked and remembered she had a gun. She took it out and Leo completely freaked the fuck out.

"Dude she's gotta a gun! She's gotta gun!" He yelled in panic.

"A small alien robot is chasing us and your more freaked out about a gun?!" Nikki snapped.

"Good point. Just watch where you shooting!" He calmed down.

She aimed carefully and tried to buy Mikaela some time. She shot the Alien in her metal head and sam as a bullet whizzed by his head.

"Nikki watch it." Sam yelled

"I know what the fuck I'm doing Sam!" Nikki snapped. "Cmon Mikaela."

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