Staying strong

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Nikki was against a wall with her head in her hands. She listened to Mikaela fill Leo in on the battle of mission city. She picked her head up as she heard Sam talking to Bee. Again her hearing was increased so she heard pretty far away.

"Hey, Bee?" Sam said getting his attention. Bee looked up and over at him. "I'm sorry. I understand if you hate me."

"I messed up," Sam said not looking at them. "I let down Optimus and all the Autobots."

"Sam, there's nothing you could have done," Mikaela rubbed a hand along his back. He sighed heavily.

"Sometimes things happen for a reason," Bee told him as he looked down at Nikki who had walked over to get warm. Bumblebee could tell she was struggling. "Sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worst. We just need to make sure Optimus didn't die for nothing." Nikki looked up at him and then she quickly walked away pain gripping her heart.

"I'm going to turn myself in," Sam said, determined. Nikki rolled her eyes. Typical Sam. She was too tired to intervene.

"If you turn yourself in now, then Optimus will have died for nothing," Mikaela continued. "Everything will be gone in one day!"

Sam stopped and looked like something had clicked in his head. He jumped up from his spot next to Mikaela and rushed over to Skids and Mudflap.

"Hey, you guys! You know the symbols that I have floating around in my head?" Sam quickly drew a couple symbols into the ground in front of them. They whispered for a moment together as they pointed at the symbols.

"Yeah, that's old school yo," Skids nodded

"It's uhh it's Cybertonian!" Mudflap explained. "Serious stuff."

"Does it mean something? Its gotta be like a-a message or uhh -" Sam stumbled.

"Map?" Nikki offered.

"Yes! A map!" Sam exclaimed. "A map to maybe an energon source! Can you read this?"

They looked at each other bewildered.

"Read?" Skids scoffed.

"Naw, we don't do much readin'," Mudflap shook his head.

"What about you, Bumblebee?" Sam asked him. Bee shook his head.

"Well there's got to be someone who can," Sam said frustrated.

"Umm," Leo spoke up and they all looked at him. "I think I know someone who can."

"Yeah?" Sam scoffed doubtfully, "Who?"

Leo glanced at Nikki,"Robowarrior."

"He's supposed to know everything and anything alien. He competes with my website about aliens, not calendars. One time we revenge hacked his website and maybe I saw some of Sam's umm alien drawings." Leo stated.

"Huh. You've really got somethin'" Nikki said surprised.

"Yeah," he nodded at me.

"Well, it's better than nothing," Mikaela shrugged.

"Let's head out," Bee said as he disappeared. Leo jumped in shock.

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