Pain and abilities

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     Rounds were heard shooting in the empty shooting range. Nikki was shooting at the paper with the shadowy figure on it. She shot and hit her exact mark. The head. Then the shoulder and then somewhere else that men really didn't want to be shot. She was obviously thinking about Sams earlier comment to her. She got so angry and just shot the head over and over and over again with lighting speed. All a sudden the lights started to flicker. She didn't notice. As she got angrier the more the lights started to flicker. All of a sudden she let out a cry of rage and one of the light bulbs busted. She flinched in confusion. Must have been something wrong with the bulb. She stretched her neck and began shooting again. She couldn't believe her brother had betrayed her like that. After all they had been through.

The lights flickered again and all of a sudden Nikki got the creeps. She decided to put the rounds of bullets and the gun away. She was just trying to let off some steam. That's why she was in the shooting range in the first place. After Optimus's failed attempts to calm her down she figured she would go shoot. It helped enough for her not to break down, but she was still outraged. She walked into med bay where she saw Ratchet and Optimus. They were conversing about something so she figured she would wait. She walked to the mini fridge and grabbed a water bottle. As she took her drink she noticed that the lights had flickered again and then they immediately stopped. She shrugged.

"Hello Nikki." ratchet said walking over with Optimus. She didn't answer. She seemed to be staring at a light bulb on the floor. She was in deep thought. She picked the light bulb up. She stared at it.

"One of the soldiers must have dropped it." Optimus stated looking at Nikki confused. The light bulb blinked to life in Nikki's hand. She yelped and dropped it.

"What the hell?!" She snapped. "That was a lightbulb. A dead lightbulb!" She panicked.

"And it came to life in your hands." Ratchet said amazed.

"Okay lights are flickering everywhere I go due to my anger. ....I'm assuming. And now I can make light bulbs work in my hand. Creepy." Nikki said picking the light bulb up. It glowed to life. Then when she calmed down it blinked off and then on and then off again. She was........controlling it? She was sooo confused. Then it accidentally slipped from her hands and it stopped in mid air right before it hit the floor.

"Whoa!" She said and it dropped. "Do I do that?!"

"It would appear so." Optimus said picking the tiny light bulb up.

"I'm taking a scam now." Ratchet said. Nikki felt a electro field rush over her. She guessed it was ratchets scan.

"She looks normal to me. Nothing's wrong." Ratchet said.

"Weird." For a moment Nikki forgot all about Sam.

"It would seem that you,Nikki, have an ability to control things with your mind." Ratchet said gesturing to her head.

"You mean telepathy?" She asked.

"And telekinesis." Ratchet added. She focused real hard on the light bulb. It slowly made its way up but it dropped.

"I guess I'm not that strong, but wait I've never had this power before?" Nikki stated more like asked. Then it snapped. "Do you think the cube would have something to do with it?!" Nikki said excited and terrified at the same time.

"Now that I've processed it, the cube may be the source of your power." Optimus stated.  Nikki smiled and examined herself.

"Cool." She said. "I can't wait to show Sam-" but then she remembered. She all of a sudden got angry. The lights started to flicker.

"I'm a freak." She said suddenly changing her mind about it being cool.

"I have to go discuss a few things with Ironhide." Ratchet said NOT wanting to comfort anyone at the moment. He walked out and Optimis activated his holoform.

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