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         "This is the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. All I ever wanted to be was an astronaut," Simmons sighed as they all looked at the building from afar that wheelie had lead them to.

Everyone looked at Simmons as he started messing with his pants. He slid them off.

"Oh Jesus! What is wrong with you?!" Nikki shouted snapping her head in another direction.

"What the hell?" Leo said turning away as fast as he could.

"What are those?" Sam said disgusted.

"What? I wear them whenever I get into a funk. It's like a baseball thing you know like Giambi, Jeter," Simmons explained.

"What?!" Mikaela said annoyed not turning her head and squinting her eyes in annoyed confusion.

"I don't give a fuck what they are! Just get some pants on dude!" Nikki screamed.

"Happy now?" Simmons asked

"You better have pants on." Nikki said slowly turning her head. Thankfully he did. "Yes." She said.

"Good now. Watches synchronized, sharp mind and empty bladder. You get caught, demand an attorney and don't ever say my name. Okay, take one of these pills. Slip it under your tongue. It's the high-concentrate polymer they put in Oreo cookies. Tricks the polygraph every time. Okay. Now, let's get this show on the road."

Nikki looked confused.

Simmons pulled out a taser and Leo freaked out.

"Whoa, whoa, I can't do this! Guys, I'm not some alien bounty hunter! I don't want to do this!" Leo complained.

"Kid, if you compromise this mission you are dead to me," Simmons said. What?! Nikki was astonished. Was he threatening because she could fix that real fast.

"Now Nikki," Simmons said. Nikki looked at him. "We need a distraction. Luckily I have a low cut dress for you. Here." He through what looked like a stretchy shirt to Nikki. "Put that on."

She eyes it. "Uhhhhh no." She snapped. She glared. "Mikaela can do it."

"Mikaela isn't as hot as you." Leo said.

"It's not a competition. She's pretty so she can do it." Nikki snapped

"Little lady do you wanna save your boyfriend or not?!" Simmons snapped. Nikki groaned and walked to the other side of bee, where no one was. He tinted his windows so no one could look through them and see her. His Holoform stood on the Opposite side where the others were to stop anyone who decided to walk to Nikki's side. He crossed his arms and glared at anyone who tried to make a move.

Nikki took her shirt off and her skinny jeans. She slipped the dress over her and pulled on the knee high boots Mikaela gave her. She let her hair down and walked out from the other side carrying her previous clothes. Be stood in front of her so no one could see her.

"I'm dressed now bee you can move." She smiled. He did and everyone stares in surprise. "Wanna explain to me why I look like a nice piece of candy for predators? And by predators I mean child molesters."

"See that security guard by the door." Simmons said.

"Yea?" She said.

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