Kings of leon

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    There was a startling and fast pacing knock at bees window. Nikki bursts awake bumping her head on the top of bees roof which in tune started him awake as his holoform jumped awake hitting his head on his steering wheel. They both groaned rubbing their soar heads.

"Sam needs us to meet him in the main room." Simmons said and walked off. Bee and Nikki looked at each other. They both rolled their eyes and Nikki climbed out. Bee transformed.

"Okay, we're all here so what was the epiphany you had, Sam?" Simmons asked Sam. Sam glanced over at everyone one but stayed calm.

"Alright, Leo, do you remember astronomy class, page 47?" Sam asked Leo. Leo gave him an 'are you kidding me' look.

"No. Remember how I was only in college for two days?" Leo said.

"Come here, guys," Sam waved for everyone to follow him outside.

Sam pointed up towards the stars.

"Do you guys see those three stars? Do you see how it touches the horizon? Well, that's Orion's Belt, but it's also called the Three Kings. It was named that after the three Egyptian kings who built the pyramids of Giza to reflect those stars," Sam explained as he pointed from the three stars in the sky to the different pyramids.

"Those three stars point straight as an arrow to where we want to go!" Nikki said having a realization. She smiled eagerly.

They all point due East toward Jordan or the mountains of Petra," Simmons said as he used his finger to follow the stars down to, apparently, the mountains of Petra.

"Let's go!" Nikki said as they all ran out.


"Why me? Why me? Why me? Why me? Why me? Why me?" Leo murmured over and over and over. Each time he said it Nikki's eyes narrowed a little more each time. "Why me? Why me? Why-" "LEO!!" Nikki shouted.

"SHUT UP!" Everyone screamed in unison. He slouched in his seat.

"Alright, we're getting closer. We need to stop here," Simmons said from the back as he looked at the GPS on his little phone.

Bee slowed to a stop as the twins stopped behind. Everyone got out of Bumblebee and allowed him and the twins to transform. Bee stretched.

"This way," Simmons said as he started to lead the way. Everyone followed trying to look for the tomb of primes.

They came up to an enormous building and stopped. It looked like it was built right into the side of the mountain. And not by humans. There were two pillars supporting it so it wouldn't fall.

"Do you see this?" Simmons asked amazed as they got closer. "This is amazing!"

"Spectacular," Skids agreed as the twins and Bee followed behind them. Bee nodded.

They had to climb over part of the doorway that would be easy for a bigger Autobot like Bee to walk over while the twins also had to climb over it. Bee gently lifted Nikki and set her over. "I could have done it myself. He fake scowled and said, "so ungrateful." Both of them laughed. They all looked around and noticed paintings and drawings on the inside walls of the enormous building.

The drawings were human portraits but something about them seemed fake to Nikki.

"It's here somewhere guys," Sam said confidently.

"Oh, yeah, why?" Leo asked doubtfully. "Cause we're trusting Grandpa Blackbird that doesn't even know what planet he's on?"

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