2. What is happening to me?

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For few days we had peace at our home, but Col seemed to notice, that I was not being myself. Not so cheerful and talkative. Unfortunately I had not had any time to do some pushing for Col. He had work and I had my work. I was working at a local restaurant as a waitress. Col was working in pack house as a guard for our luna Olivia Kingston. Our alfa Brian Kingston was really protective of his luna, so he asked for some guards. He was especially protective after Night wish pack attacked and tried to steal our luna away from us. I was glad that nobody really was hurt after that. We were werewolves, so our healing abilities were much faster and better. We are strong and fast. Of course, if we are fighting with an enemy pack, then we have greater injuries, but that does not stop us from trying to protect our families.

In my pack I am a normal werewolf. I am not some kind of princess and I am not a people person, so I have a little list of friends. For example, my best friend is Iris Hale. She has not found her soulmate, but we are hoping that it will happen soon. We have been friends from diapers. Always doing everything together. Sometimes it gets on Cols nerves. For some reason he does not like her. It is like she had done something to him, but I really have not thought about it. Col knew, that I would not give my friend up for a guy. Even if it is him.

In the old world all the woman would be locked at home, when they would find their mates, but for some years now wolfs have noticed that we are happier if they let us do something more than just sit at home. We are not going to let them rule over us. Unfortunately there are some packs that still stay on the old world's rules. We do not try to get into it. It is not our problem. That is what our alfa says. We do not want any problems with other packs. Peace is in the first place.

But enough of that. I am one of the wolf's, who does not come to the meetings. It is disrespectful to our alfa an all the pack, but I had a small agreement with alfa, that they would leave me alone and if they would need me anytime, they would ask me and I would help.

-''Hey, Rub!''- Suddenly a face appeared close to my face. If I had not been a werewolf, I would have jumped away from her. It was Iris, my friend. –''What are you doing? Day dreaming again?''- She playfully asked me. I smiled at her.

-''Iris, what a surprise! Maybe, but only because you are not doing that.''- Iris has not given up on finding her mate, but for a while now, she does not day dream about a happy life. I feel bad for her. Some people do not find their mate until their last years on this earth and some even do not find them generally.

-''Oh, but I do not need to do that. You are my love forever.''- Her hands snaked around my neck and her lips were now close to my ear. Her whispers where tickling my ear. I pushed her way, while laughing soundlessly. She started to laugh with me. –''Do not be silly. We both know, that you are secretly looking for that one person, who would make you bed warm.''- After these words were said, her face held no emotion, then she attacked me. We both rolled on the ground, after a second, on the ground were two wolfs. One was white as snow and the other was darkly brown with white mark on its forehead. The dark wolf playfully growled at the white one. My wolf was the white one. In some way I always felt different. All the other wolfs in my pack did not like that my wolf was so different from other wolfs. I was normal, but at the same time I was strange and not normal, because all the other wolfs were dark. We always had a warm weather here. We did not have snow or anything like that. That is why everyone could find me in the dark, everywhere.

My thoughts were interrupted, when Irises teeth playfully sunk into my fur. It did not hurt. She was playing around with me. That only meant, that she had not been angry with me. This was not the first time we had playing in our wolf forms.

Thinking of a plan, how to get away, I looked briefly at the window. It was slightly open. Could she do it? I hoped I could do it. With my strong wolf body, I pushed Iris away from me and run to the window. With my nose I opened the window, then I felt Iris attacking me. My wolf body dodged that and jumped through the window. We were on the second floor, but I did not mind it. My body was strong and it did not feel a small fall like that. I run to the woods, where I would get some advantage over Iris. She was the strong wolf, but I was the quickest one. That was one reason, why alpha Brian let me do what I want. I was a great tracker, but a bad fighter. Besides I did not like fighting. It was something violent. Even my wolf did not like violence. It was weird for a wolf to think like that, but we could not change anything, so I just lived my life with Iris and Col. I was happy.

Wolves (NaNoWriMo13) (Under major editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz