9. New home

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We were driving for one hour, when we finally had gotten off my former packs grounds. It was huge, but if the stories were true, Reid’s pack was much bigger and that meant bigger grounds. Iris had fallen asleep after the first thirty minutes. We were listening to quiet music, not talking much, but I liked it. I could watch my surroundings. I had not been outside of pack grounds. I had no reason to stay where everybody else were, but now I had Reid.

After another two hours I was starting to get bored. Trip things had never been my thing, but I had no reason to start annoying my mate with, are we here, yet, motto.

-‘’We are close.’’- Finally the silence was cut short by my mates voice. I looked at him questiongly. –‘’To my pack house. My friends will meet us there.’’- I only nodded with my head. He had said before the trip, that his guards went ahead to warn his pack. When an alpha was so far away from his pack members, it was harder to contact with them. That is why, we did not like if somebody wanted to go on a trip. Then alpha could not contact with their pack members. It was always great stress to them and other pack members too. If something happened to our pack members, we could not help them, if they were far away from us.

-‘’Do you think they will like me?’’- I had this worry from the moment that I had decided I would go with Reid. He looked at me briefly, before looking again at the road ahead him.

-‘’They will. They do not have choice and besides, you are smart, nice and with beautiful heart. Everyone will love you, Ruby.’’- It soothed me a little bit, but not entirely.

-‘’I agree with, alpha Reid. They will love you.’’- I jumped a little bit, when Irises voice came behind me.

-‘’Oh, you are awake finally. How did you sleep?’’- I looked at her and she smiled at me. –‘’Besides, you do not know them.’’- Irises laughed at patted my head, I made a quiet growl at her, she ignored it like she always did.

-‘’I feel great! I slept like a baby.’’- I laughed at these words. –‘’And answering you question, I do not need to know other, to know that they will like you, right?’’- She looked at Reid questioningly. He smiled and nodded with his head.

-‘’Okay, I will trust your judgment.’’- But that did not meant, that their thoughts would come true. But I would get to learn how would they treat me and not only me, but Iris too.

-‘’We are here.’’- Reid said to us and smiled a little bit. I could finally see the house. It was huge and old, but in a interesting way. In front of the house, there were people standing. Were they here for us? Panick leaped in to me. Do not worry. It is going to be okay. Reid tried to sooth my fear. I nervously smiled at him, before the car stopped.

We got out of the car. Iris nervously smiled at me. –‘’Reid! Welcome back!’’- A man’s voice said. I looked at him. It was a tall, very well built guy. He looked a little bit smaller than Reid, but maybe it was because Reid is an alpha.

-‘Eric, how is it going, man?’’- Both of them hugged each other. Me and Iris were standing beside the car, feeling nervous and small. I saw the guys that were guarding Reid before. I smiled at them. They nodded their head in respect.

-‘’Fine, fine. So, who are…?’’- Eric looked at us and then he stopped in the middle of sentence. I could see that his nostrils took in scent of us. No, not me. I looked at Iris, who was watching Eric with surprise and pure love. She took a step closer to him, but before she could go even closer, he was already next to her. I yipped away from them in surprise. Before I could fall on my butt, Reid saved me, hugging me from behind.

-‘’Hello. Can I know the name of this beautiful girl that took my heart instantly, sweetheart?’’- Eric asked Iris. She blushed and giggled a little. That shocked me. She was not the one to look so girly.

Wolves (NaNoWriMo13) (Under major editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon