11. Can I forgive him?

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-‘’Reid? Are you there? It is me, Ruby’’- I hoped he was here, because I had no idea where to go or what to do. After nothing happened, I got angry. –‘’For god’s sake, open this fucking door if you are there!’’- Finally the door opened, but it was not Reid, who had opened the door. It was girl. A pretty girl. She was wearing short dress. My eyes furrowed.

-‘’Stop knocking. I do not know who you are, but go away.’’- She said to me and then went to close the door. I quickly put my foot, before the door could be closed. –‘’What the hell are you doing?’’- The weirdo asked me.

-‘’What the hell I am doing? I am looking for Reid. Tall, well-built and the asshole, who left me alone and now I can not find him. So tell, what the hell I am doing?’’- I was tired and angry. All the emotions that I had suppressed from the moment I had gotten my senses more sensitive. Besides if Christy said that here would be Reid that meant this girl had been with him alone in some room. It made me jealous and even angrier.

-‘’Sweety, if he left you, then you can not look for him. All girls know the rules.’’- The girl said in a mocking voice. –‘’So stop bugging and go away!’’- She tried to push me away. That got me even angrier. Who the hell she was to mock me and tell me what to do? And what rules?

-‘’Excuse me, did you just tell me to do something, you are nothing, compared to me.’’- My wolf was insulted and she used my anger to tell the bitch to back away. –‘’I do not care about you, but I care about Reid. So…’’- I had no idea what I was doing, but I felt some unknown power built up inside me. My wolf used it on the girl. –‘’Tell me where is Reid or you will fucking regret it!’’- Only after my words had slipped out, I noticed that I was using lunas power. It was similar to alphas power. We could both command anyone to do our bidding, but usually we did not use it for obvious reasons.

Now the girl was trembling. At first she was trying to protest, but finally she gave up. She knelt on her knees and now was looking at the ground. My body was in shock, but at least I got what I wanted. She talked.

-‘’He is inside, my lady.’’- Her voice trembling in fear and suppressed anger. I was now sorry about what I had done, but my wolf was happy. She had shown, who the boss here was. I do not like her, being near our mate. Yeah, and now we would be in trouble. She now hates us. –‘’I am sorry, but you should not have told me that I am one of his last girls. I am his mate.’’- After these words, I went inside, looking around for my mate. My anger was still at the surface, so Reid had some explaining to do.

It was a dark room, with a desk and sofas and everything. Normal room. There was a door at the other side of the room. Ignoring the girl, I went to the door, listening, but not hearing anything. This time I did not knock. I was pissed at him and everyone else, who would try to piss me off.

The other room was different. It was still dark, but here was a bed, many, many books and there was Reid. He was sitting on the chair, writing something. He did not look my away, until I shut the door and the little wind I had created, made my scent go to him. Reid turned around. He had surprise on his face.

He saw me standing before the door with crossed hands on my chest and pissed of expression. –‘’Who the hell is that annoying girl, who tried to fuck me away from seeing you and could you tell me, sweety, what rules were she talking about?’’- His face paled a little bit and he looked a little bit guilty. That made me only angrier.

-‘’I can explain, Ruby.’’- Reid got up from his place and pleadingly looked at me. I furrowed my brows upwards.

-‘’Oh, you will explain to me and now. I am fucking tired and then some girl thinks that I am some kind of slut. How does that make me feel, Reid?’’- I could not understand what I wanted to do more – kill him or just cry. Maybe some sleep would be good for me, but right now I did not care. I needed answers and right now.

Wolves (NaNoWriMo13) (Under major editing)Where stories live. Discover now