16. The illness

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My head was pounding like I had drunk for five days and then woke in some bar under the table, but unfortunately I was not so lucky. There was silence around me. I only could hear somebody breathing hard as if that person had run for many hours. I tried to open my eyes, but for some reason I could not. My heart started to pound. What is happening? Reid? I tried to reach out to my mate, but to my horror I could not feel him. As if the bond was broken. And that was not all. I could not feel my wolf. As if I was a normal human, but that was impossible. Panic leaped into my soul. I wanted my mate and suddenly I knew that I wanted my wolf too. I was too used to it to lose it now of all times.

-‘’You are not going to reach out to them. They have blocked our powers with vervain.’’- Somebody said in a raspy voice. That person was the one, who was breathing so hard. I tried to answer, ask, anything, but for some reason I could not do that either. –‘’Your body is not used to vervain. It shut down. After a while it will go away and then the pain comes.’’- Pain? What pain? I could not feel anything. I felt numb and alone. Where am I? Why I am here? Where is here? I had so many questions, but no answer to them.

The man did not talk after that. It was silence and loneliness. I was alone. I did not know how long I had been there, when slowly I felt my body start to react to what my mind was telling. My eyes finally opened and then I wanted to go back to the numbness and darkness, because I saw the man, who had talked to me. He was chained to the wall in front of me. He was bloody and with scars. Many scars. New and old. I could feel sickness start to grow inside me.

Suddenly like a popping sound when ears where closed for a second, my body decided to give everything it felt in one second. I could hear a scream. Who was screaming so loud and with pain? Only after a moment my mind registered that I was screaming. I could suddenly feel all the pain that the man had told me about. I screamed and screamed. Pain was unbearable.

-‘’You will get used to it.’’- The man yelled and tried to get my attention. I did not care. I just wanted the pain to be gone. My body moved, whatever angle it could do. I know knew I was chained to the wall, like the man was. The chains were burning my skin. –‘’You will get used to it.’’- Now the guy was whispering. I could not understand if he was talking to me or anybody else. My breathing was hard and after a second I realized that I was crying soundlessly.

-‘’I want…’’- My voice was quiet and full with pain. It was hard to talk. As if somebody had cut my tongue out and then with glue stuck it back in. –‘’I want my mate…’’- I tried again. Finally I could do it, but why the words sounded so meaningless?

-‘’You will never see him.’’- The man said in a defeated voice. I looked at him desperately. Whatever he was talking about. I could not believe it.

-‘’He will come for me.’’- I knew he will. He loves me and he would never leave me alone. He will find me.

-‘’Then he will be killed like all the other wolves were killed.’’- Those words made a knot in my stomach. I felt sick. The chains were making me sick. I felt so human and useless. I did not answer him. I could feel that he had lost all his hope to be saved, but I would never lose hope. He would come for me.

I had no idea how long I had been there. Like the man had said, the pain that I felt, I got used to it. When I moved around and tried to get free of them, I would scream in pain, but nevertheless, I was there, chained and helpless. Who would do such a thing? Why me?

I could hear somebody coming. Steps came closer and closer. I closed my eyes, tired of all the pain. I was glad that the man had not talked. It made me feel a little bit better. Not so depressed.

The man or woman, stopped in front of whatever it was keeping us here. I guess, a prison. It was a man, who talked. –‘’I see, that our little girl has finally woken up.’’- I knew that voice, it was Emory. The guard, who had been with me and Rae. Now I looked at him. What he was doing here? Was he here for me? For a second I could not think straight, but when I saw his evil smirk, I knew that he was not here to get me out.

-‘’Oh, I like how your emotion changes when you realized that I am not here to release you.’’- I looked at him with anger in my eyes. –‘’I am sorry about this. You are just a decoy for your mate. We want him.’’- My mate? Reid...

-‘’Why are you doing this? He has done nothing to you.’’- My lips whispered my anger in words. My questions.

-‘’Oh, sweety, he and his family destroyed my family. I am just paying him back. And do not worry he will come for you.’’- That made my heart fill with hope, but then it dawned. –‘’But then you should know that a wolf without its mate goes into frenzy. They do not care about anything else that finding their mate.’’- Reid… I needed to hope that he would listen to his friends and family. I needed to…-‘’I should know, I was like him. Lost without my mate.’’- That took my attention back to him. He had lost his mate? I tried to feel sorrow for him, but I could not. He wanted to kill my mate. I will not forgive him that.

-‘’You can not get rid of these chains and you can not get free, so please do not try. After your mate is dead, I will free you.’’- I growled at him, tried to brake free again, but nothing helped. He went away, laughing hysterically.

The chains were making me weak and tired. Pain was constant reminder that I was still alive, but the hours I had been here, were making me weaker and weaker. Until I blacked out for, I had no idea, how many hours. When I woke up, I saw the man looking at me without any emotion.

-‘’Why…are…you here?’’- My voice sounded so tired, that I barely could say a word out loud. He blinked and looked at me strangely.

-‘’The same reason why are we all here.’’- He whispered. That confused me. All? Why did he say that?

-‘’Is… there somebody else…here…?’’- I asked, trying to understand what he had told me.

-‘’Yes, of course. They hate us. The werewolves and every other species, we have in this world.’’- I had no idea what he was talking about. What did he mean?

-‘’But, Emory is a werewolf…And what species? What do you mean?’’- I knew that without my wolf I would not last long. This guy looked terrible, but at least he did not look like he was going to die any time soon. Then why was I feeling like I would be dead soon?

-‘’He does not know that he is helping them kill everybody. He thinks that we all did something terrible. All the species. Vampires, fairies, werewolves and everybody else. They all are here. They all are leaders or at least they were until they were cough.’’- What he was telling me, it was terrible. How this had happened to me? To these poor people?

After the small talk, I blacked out again. I was too tired to think, fight or do anything else. But one thing I knew, I was not ready to die yet and I was not ready to give up my freedom. Only I had no idea how would I fight if I was barely breathing.

Wolves (NaNoWriMo13) (Under major editing)Where stories live. Discover now