7. Friends and foes?

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This was the first time, when I had felt so calm and warm. I felt like I was not alone. Not anymore. Slowly I opened my eyes. My eyes met with brightness of the room. That surprised me for a second. It felt too bright, so I hid under the blanket. I felt Reid’s body against mine. He was warm. I could feel that he was still sleeping. It was a wonder, why I had woken up.

Suddenly I heard a loud noise. It was like somebody was yelling in my ears. I got out of bed, covering my ears with my hands. It really did not help me understand what was happening. It came again. Now I understood, that those were voices. They were saying something.

-‘’We can not let them live. She noticed.’’- Some words were muffled or too loud for my hearing. Somebody touched my shoulder. I tried to get away, but then I heard his voice in my head. It is okay. It is me, your mate. Relax. Why was he talking in my head? Why I could not open my eyes or move my body? What is happening? I can not move, Reid. I was scared and those other voices.

-‘’You do not understand. He is an alpha. All the pack will get revenge if we kill him here.’’- The unknown voice said. Who were they talking about? My panic only rose. We have completed our mating, that is why you get all my senses. Relax. Try to breath. Do not be afraid. You can control it. His voice made it easier for me. So, I had gotten his alpha senses. That is why every alpha and luna was so much stronger and faster. I thought that I had gotten it already. I remembered how I was getting faster and stronger. Yes, but now it is complete. Everything came at once. Sorry. Okay, so I was getting it all together. There was only one thing that I did not understand. Why are you apologizing to me? I asked him. I was trying to relax, but the voices did not help.

-‘’So, what are we going to do?’’- That voice sounded familiar, but I could not place the voice with a face.

Because I did not know it would be so fast for you. Now you are in pain. Right, he had to worry about that. It is not your fault. I can not relax… I think I am going mad. I told him.

-‘’Alpha Reid and Ruby with their guards are going away today.’’- What? Why were those voices talking about me and Reid? ­Your senses are increased, you are hearing some kind of conversation maybe. So it was not only my imagination or going mad. I could feel that my wolf was trying to get us together, but now she was interested in what was said.

-‘’So you mean, we are going to call them?’’- Reid… I was now panicking. This was really bad. Something bad was going to happen. Who were they? I am scared. And I was not joking. I had heard how somebody wanted us dead. They wanted my mate dead. Do not be. You are going to be okay. After a while… Before he could assure me that everything would be okay, I cut him off with simple words. Someone wants us dead. It was cruel and I was not ready to fight yet. Not like this. What?!? I could hear alert and surprise in his voice. Someone wants you dead. I heard it. I knew that I was not crazy. I would not hear something as crazy as that was. The worst thing was that it would be today and that somebody was from my pack. I guess Reid was the target. I got dragged down with him. Who? I knew that he was trying to contact with his guards. I do not know, but it is somebody from my pack.

Finally I felt my body relax a little bit. I could open my eyes. I tried to talk, but no sound came. I could only smell something disgusting. It was coming from outside this room.

I tried to talk again and this time I could make a word. –‘’Puke…Now…’’- They were not the exactly words that I wanted to say, but right now I needed to get rid of that terrible feeling. Reid nodded and helped me to get to toilet. I showed him out of toilet and emptied my belly.

Wolves (NaNoWriMo13) (Under major editing)Where stories live. Discover now